Jan 16, 2006 01:59
I can still walk
so maybe im not as good looking as them
maybe i cannot cause their drama
I can still walk
amongst the people
of society
and not care all that much
I am not this
not that
fuck it
I dont care
I dont take pictures
dont write many letters
they all lived in a different time
where is the person to talk about now
that is me
what else do i got to free me from all of this
havnt died yet
been trying
guess not hard enough
maybe i just cant die
sometimes I just cant figure it all out
electronica could be the new jazz
if it wasnt for
those meth heads
thinking life was good
try again i say
you almost had it right
but im done with all this bitterness
just want those sweet sounds to rock me around to sleep
something to confess to me
what ive been really thinking
something about him
seems like me
except it was his older brother
mine was younger
it wasnt my twin either
dali and kerouac
wonder what would have happened
had they met
wonder if kerouac liked sake as well