YIKES!! I need to keep yall up to date!

Feb 08, 2005 21:41

My life is so incredibly busy! LoL So it's time to let everyone know what's been going on! OKay, change of plans with the car, instead of a Chevy Impala I'm going to be getting a 2005 Chevy Cobalt, red, fully loaded to the MAX!! I am so so excited!! I'm getting it in New Orleans and they have to order it because they won't be receiving their truckload for 4 months, so that means I will be the only one around here to be driving this kick ass car for 4 months(maybe 6 it being pensacola), so if you see a red chevy cobalt, it's me and give me a honk! lol. so Jason and I have been looking to get married in March of 2006. We are going to wait until we both are financially stable, and he still has to go through the police academy. So there is an update with that.
OH MY GOODNESS. I just found out that 3 girls that i graduated with are pregnant and one has already had a baby! That is so crazy! They were the bitchy ones who made me feel like shit and who thought they were better than me, LMAO, who's the better one now? I have an awesome career working at a bad ass salon and they're getting knocked up by assholes that they don't even know! HAHA That's hilarious. Man my life is wonderful, yall just don't know!
So I've been working my ass off. Here is my complete schedule for one week...
Sunday I go to church then sleep the rest of the day, Monday I'm off and I sleep all day and do laundry, then Tuesday I sleep til 10 then get up and do my yoga and get ready to be at work at 1 then I don't get home til 9 then Wednesday is training 9-5 then kickboxing til 7 then I do the eliptical machine(at the gym) until 8 and then go home and go to bed then Thursday I go to work from 8-2 then I go to Jason's and sleep until he gets off work then we go to the gym and I go home, same thing Friday, THEN....Saturday I work 8-4 then go to the gym from 4-6 then go to Jasons for a little while and I'll either stay there or go home then do it alllllll over again. Jason and I don't get to spend much time together anymore and it is very depressing, but we're going to make it!
oh and I got my hair cut, and it is great! I love it, everyone at the salon says I have the SEXIEST hair there! haha It's great.
Well, that's what's been going on with me! LoL! i'll be posting some pictures just as soon as i get them developed! so be lookin!
Love, Kristen
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