Well I made it to So cal safe and sound.

Nov 22, 2005 08:33

Now that I'm here I'm wondering why I came so early. We will not be going up to Big Bear until Wed eve. I could have driven down today. Though it does give me more time to spend with my fam. My mom of course has a million chores for me to do while I'm here. Things that my dad or I used to take care of when I lived down here. Some of the things like her pond have really been neglected since I moved away.

I got her a turtle(about three years ago). While they are very cool animals they can be very destructive in pond. It ate her fish and her plants. This caused her pond to go out of balance and turn green. Not to mention she has not cleaned the filter. I cleaned it for her last time I was down so it should be good for a year or so.

On the work front I have decided to take the supervising ranger test. I have went to a couple of preparation classes and I know what I need to study. I just need to find some time and motivation to get the job done. I guess if I want to earn more money I really need to promote. In about one more year or so I will be at the top of my pay scale. While I like my job more money is always good. Plus, as a supervising ranger I could probably get a weekend day off.

Well I should get to work on my chores.
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