Sappy Update

Nov 13, 2011 15:10

I really don't know where to start.

I had one of the best weekends of my entire life while in Houston.  Seriously.  All of my uneasiness, all of my uncertainty, all of my worries, were all dashed within 2 minutes of meeting Lisa.

I landed and was waiting for my bags at the baggage claim. I really wanted to see her first, but that was not to be.  I had my head down and was texting her letting her know what baggage claim I was at when I felt someone come up and put her arms around me.  I looked up and saw an incredibly stunning girl standing before me with a huge grin on her face.  Instantly, I knew that we would have as much of a connection in person as we did over the phone and online.  I stood there just blown away and said, "Oh My God, Lisa you are gorgeous!"  She squealed and pulled me into her and gave me a huge hug again.  Instant Chemistry. After I got my bag, we headed out to her car.  She grabbed my hand and we walked out of the terminal hand in hand.  On the drive from the airport, I couldn't stop looking at her. Lisa lamented that it wasn't fair that I got to look at her while she drove, but I ignored her complaints and kissed her hand.

We went to a little seafood restaurant which was nice.  It was so weird at first, seeing Lisa face to face and being able to actually touch her, to be able to interact with her, to be able to see how she interacted with other people.  While I was always attracted to her from her pictures and from video chat, I was even MORE attracted to her in person.  WOW! She is so friggin pretty. I seriously couldn't keep my eyes off of her.   Our meal was nice.  Easy conversation and no awkwardness at all. The connection we had from our marathon phone conversation's and video chats was not only there still, it was much stronger.  After our meal we walked out to her car, and stood besides it and hugged for what must have been 5 min.

That day we stayed at her house and were just both kind of awe struck that we were able to see each other in person.

One thing that was instantly obvious was that there was a TON of chemistry between us. That night we kissed allot... like a TON.  TMI I know, but holy crap! It was awesome.  As I complained about before, with Holly, there was no passion. There was no real chemistry.  There was friendship, and companionship, lots of both - but Holly was not physically into me like that, so there was no passion in our kisses... never. Always very mechanical and I always felt she just kissed me because she felt she had to.  Every time we were intimate, I felt like it was a bit of a chore for her, not something she enjoyed or wanted.  From just kissing Lisa, I instantly could tell things are different with her. It just felt different, like I knew that Lisa was into me just as much as I was into her.  That night we slept snuggled up next to each other and it felt wonderful.

Woke up the next day and I went to her church.  Really cool church, and just the type of church I like,  It was located in the gay district of Houston and was not "churchy" at all.  The church was very eclectic, and very accepting.  Not pretentious, not judgmental, and not perfect, it wasn't filled with upper-middle class white people who listen to cheesy christian music and only vote republican. It was filled with real people of all shapes and sizes, who quite honestly, wouldn't really fit in with the happy little bubble of American Christianity.

After Church we went to lunch,  Lisa asked, "Gay or Greek?" when asking me where I wanted to eat.  I of course, opted for "gay" and we went to this little gay friendly sandwich shop close to the place where the church met. I loved that we held hands wherever we went and I loved being seen by others and being "with" Lisa.  I felt all proud and thought to myself "I sure am with a hot girl!"  After lunch we went to the park and it was wonderful!  We just walked around the park, talking and holding hands. We fed ducks, attempted to feed the squirrels, but they were too snobby and didn't like what Lisa offered.  We went to this little Japanese Garden  and then took this little train ride around the park.  We were like little kids on this train because we rushed and cut in front of a bunch of people so we could get the back seats at the end of the train that faced backwards.  She sat close to me the whole time and I had my arm around her.   After the train ride, it was time to head to a Hockey game.  Lisa LOVES hockey, and it was so fun to see her in her element.  She was all decked out in Houston Aero's gear and she was one of those crazy fans with a cowbell.   After the hockey game, we went back to her house where we slept super close to each other all night long.   I woke up around 3 am and Lisa was still all snuggled up to me sound asleep. Her head was on my chest, and her leg and arm were draped over me.  Looking down at her and feeling the warmth of her breath on my neck was heaven.   I told her about that and she said that is not something she normally does.  I felt special.

The next day, was lazy movie day.  We slept in for a bit, but I woke up and made her french toast.  We sat at her table and ate breakfast together.  That day we were super lazy and it was awesome.  We laid on her couch all day watching movies and making out like horny teenagers!  All day long.   That night, we went for a romantic  dinner at the Melting Pot. The Melting Pot is a somewhat fancy fondue restaurant.  It is a drawn out dinner, and you leisurely cook your own food. The booths are very private and candle lit.  Lisa Looked absolutely beautiful!!  Wow.  The night was perfect, and we got along so well and the 2 hours we spent enjoying each other and good food went by so quickly.

We had another lazy day and went to dinner at a "Tex Mex" place.  It was good, but we were both sad because it would be our last night together.   She also showed me the mall in her town, and I saw a place where they train Jiu Jitsu and the place where I may teach the kids.... we'll see.

We knew by this time that we wanted to see each other as much as possible, so that night we booked flights to see each other again.  She is coming out here in a week from now, and I am flying out there about a week after that.  I'm so excited to see her again and show her my town!

The next morning she took me to the airport, which was incredibly sad.  But the sadness, was eased by the fact that we knew we would be seeing each other again soon.

All in All it was an amazing trip.  Blew my expectations out of the water.  Lisa by far surpasses any sort of ideas I had of her.  She is funny, smart, drop dead gorgeous, kind, generous, ultra affectionate, and goofy like me.   We get along splendidly, and on top of that we both are really into each other.  Seriously, we could not keep our hands off each other!  It was awesome!  To have passion in a relationship feels so nice.  To have chemistry with someone beyond a "we get along" level, is incredible.  To know that the girl I am dating is really into me, is so wonderful.    But on top of that, and perhaps more importantly, everything was just so easy with Lisa.  We fit well together and got along splendidly. When I am around her, I feel relaxed and comfortable, no stress about anything and we just seem to mesh.  It just feels.. I dunno.. right?  It feels as it should be and all is okay.   I feel myself around Lisa and have not felt this way for anyone since I first started dating Holly... actually it is better than when I first started dating Holly.  We have a connection on an emotional, and intellectual level, but also have a connection on a physical level.  All of the pieces seem to fit and Lisa, in my estimation - seems pretty much perfect for me.   Am I jumping the gun?  Perhaps.   But I don't really care at this point.

To say that I am smitten by Lisa would be an understatement.   Lord help me, but I can't stop thinking about this girl.

Here are a few pictures of our trip:

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