
Jan 14, 2009 10:33

I have pushed myself harder these past two weeks than I have pushed myself in years. I don't know if it is old age, over doing it, or a combination of both - but my body is really sore. I'm hurting in places that I didn't even know could hurt and my body is completely covered in bruises.

The thing with the bruises is, they don't really hurt and look worse than they are. I was getting out of the shower the other day and Holly said "Oh my God!" I said "what?" and she said "look at your arm". I looked at my arm and didn't see anything other than the typical little bruises. But she said to lift it up and and look under. I did and was appalled at this HUGE bruise (like the size of an apple) on the underside of my arm. It was a dark purple color and looked like it should be hurting like crazy - but the funny thing is, it didn't. As a matter of fact, I didn't even feel it. Had she not said anything, I may not have even noticed it.

The reason I have been pushing myself so hard is because I have a competition coming up this Saturday. Obviously, I want to do well, but If I loose (not that I am planning on it) I want to loose knowing that the guy I went against was more skilled than I and it wasn't because of me not putting in the time at the gym. The one thing I can control is the work I put into training. If I go against someone who has been training longer than I and has more technique, I cannot help that. But I'll be damned if I let whoever I am going against have better cardio than I.

That being said I have been in a bit of a funk with my training lately. I know that plateaus are part of the deal. But rather than plateau, I feel like I have gotten worse! Really frustrating. I know it is just in my mind and just a mental block, but I get frustrated because things that I was able to do a few weeks ago are now giving me trouble.

People who I have talked to say that with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, this happens and you just need to stick with it and train through the lows. I have to keep reminding myself that this is a journey and not something that I can get good at overnight.

Well, I need to get going. I don't want to go to the gym tonight, but I have to push through the pain. Nothing good comes easy. I'll rest on Friday.
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