Apr 06, 2005 00:41
Well, my Dell computer came in record time, just 24 hours after the date of delivery. I figured it would take at least a week to get here...awesome.
Anyway, Im enjoying my new PC, although I hear bad things about Dell PCs...guess I'll determine it for myself I suppose.
Watched WrestleMania, and I gotta agree with Jerry, it didnt feel like a WrestleMania. Aside from 2 matches, the show was kind of a downer. I failed miserably at my predictions, thank goodness for the bonus questions me and Jer came up with, which was "Will Austin stun Piper?" and "Will Hogan get physical at Mania?" Both of which I answered yes too, although the "yes" on Piper getting stunned was questionable since Jer said it only counted during the Pipers Pit segment, not after..but I argued and won...HA! Batista and John Cena won their matches and became champs of their brand, making WrestleMania history as both faces walked out champs......Edge won his "World Title shot anytime within 1 year" match, so no more bitching from him...for now. I fear not though, for Christians Peepulation will join in support for their hero and Christian will be YOUR new champ in 2005...man...Edge vs Christian for the title...sounds nice....the promos would be awesome...they would REEK of Awesomeness!
Am I ordering TNAs next PPV? No. Yes, I know, for as much of a TNA supporter that I am, I just see absolutely no reason to buy the PPV. Its got Dusty Rhodes written all over it. Overkill with the cages, making the cage matches seem worthless now unless the cage matches will only be done at that show only. And even the longtime TNA fan who have followed them from day one are left scratching their heads wondering why TNA keeps doing the wrong thing and not the right. The company must evolve to survive the ever changing fanbase. And if TNA thinks they have a shot at being on Spike TV...I laugh. As much as I'd like to see it happen, it just won't. TNA is LOSING fan base, not gaining. A monday night timeslot is risky...but then again that could be what they need to do in order to gain a fanbase, by taking a risk.
My birthday, as of this writing (being its almost 1am on Wednesday) is TOMORROW. Do I plan anything as far as a party goes? No. But mom says otherwise. Did I get presents? Unexpectedly yes. My mom allowed me to take some money out of the bank and get myself something from a "Liquidation" Flea-Marketish thing that came into town over the weekend. Got me a wireless mic system, very nice. Me and Jer cut some lame promos on eachother. Jer let me pick out something and he (actually, his wife) would pay for it. So I got "Bill Engvall: Heres Your Sign Reloaded". Funny CD. Then my friend Jessica got me a box of....soaps. Well, its the thought that counts I suppose. Thank ya'll.
I get a free rental at Hollywood Video on my birthday, I think I'll rent Backyard Wrestling 2 for PS2, just to see what its like.
Quite a thunderstorm earlier tonight, got most of it on videotape....came within feet of getting struck by lighting...scary but cool at the same time....im an idiot.
Anyway, time for me to go, keep your stick on the ice and the beer cold. Later.