Apr 15, 2004 20:45
Ok, I had a wonderful time during my visit to orlando.
I arrived at my old internship and people were excited to see me and it was like last year. It was fun to jsut hangout with those kids again. I chatted up a storm and was happy to see them again. It is funny how much people can change in a year and how much they can stay the same.
I went to the old writng center and was stuck there for a good hour or so talking to my exboss. She is a huge fan of LOTR and an awesome person. Very hippieesque. My other boss who is also a trip was also there and it was great to see them both. That visit was a real treat. They were probably my fav. bosses ever.
Then I went and popped up to visit my ex-advisor. SHe was happy to see me and it was a trip trying to track her down...
So, I've left the writing center and plan on going to visit my advisor. I head to the trailers. I make a left go down the road, notice that the parking is wide open, dive in, turn righ tpark, get out of my car and there are no trailers. It was a trip, like righ tout of a movie. Then I go to find her office and I am trapped in the renovated education complex. It used ot be the education building, but it is now the education complex. Making it, well, more complex. It was a trip. I was so lost and was on the verge of yelling. I think a few grunts may have been let out. Eventully I asked for help and wala, I found the office.
*Crappy flashback ended*
I then went to hangout with mike and we had dinner cause the girl I was going to meet with was goign to take too long and I was very hungy. Croissants don't last as long as they used to. We had dinner and a couple laughs. Returned to his place and I watched tv while he played city of heroes.
Eventually went out with Glenn and met up with SHawn, Had a couple of drinks, went back to Glenns and played Arcade madness or something like that. It was a whole bunch of old video games and there was this cool sink cleaning game. I'm lame, I know this. Then wen tot bed. Glenn went to work, I wrote him a note shaped in a heart, whcih I thought was kinda funny(The whole shaped like a heart thing not the note. I just thought the note was a nice thing to do). I stuck it to his door before I left.
Met up with mike, got lunch, played a whole bunch of old NES games and then I went back to tampa, a combination of happy and depressed. I hate having to leave.
Didn't do much yesterday except play city of HEroes. It's pretty good. Kinda like it. Not sure about really palying it anymore though, like buying it and such. If it is like everquest and I have to pay for an account, I won't do that. I'm too old school I guess.
Today I am babysitting and will do stuff for the remainder fo the semseter so it can go smoothly. I am currently peeling like a fool.
Tru Calling is a great show.
Jason Musial
Soon to be professional stalker... hehe