A MIND OF LOVE by Bruce Mutard

May 10, 2011 10:11

I've spoken before about Bruce Mutard's work, THE SACRIFICE and THE SILENCE. Bruce is, without question, one of Australia's most important creators of original, literary graphic fiction.

Bruce started out in comics by self-publishing  the indie series STREET SMELL, which included the start of a serialized graphic novel called LOVE TO KNOW YOU. Although Bruce has moved on to bigger and better things since then, he has periodically returned to this story and now, thanks to Black House Comics, it's complete and available, with the earlier chapters remastered. Now titled A MIND OF LOVE, this is not just a compelling story but it's also a document if Bruce's development from a highly talented amateur to a top flight professional.

I'd say more about it, but I already wrote the introduction for the book, and I can find no better way of praising it than that.

We launched this book at the Big Arse launch back in February and it outsold every other book we had for sale. I have been waiting ever since for it to appear for sale online before writing this post, and now it's here! A beautiful package and an absolute steal at $20.00 AUD from Blackboox.net.

-- JF

a mind of love, bruce mutard, love to know you, comics, graphic novels

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