Jan 05, 2008 23:32
the other day, i went to world market. i don't know if you've heard of world market, but it's basically a box store that sells novelty foods and soft racism. all of these old ladies running around shrieking "OOOHH LOOK AT ALL THESE CUTE LITTLE ORIENTAL PEOPLE MATS! HONEY, DO YOU WANT A STATUE OF AN INDIAN PERSON'S GOD? OH MY GOSH, THEY SELL JEW HATS!"
that joke came about... because people sometimes don't get the "i have a rapport with black people" joke*1. so i decided to work more on the idea of jokes dealing with "happy racists" in a way that removes the teller from the object. soft racism is a subject that is difficult to write jokes about because many people don't see it as something that's far enough off whack to make fun of.
i dunno, i'm pretty happy with the new and improved soft racism joke.
*1 - a lot of people have a hard time saying the N word, but not me. i can say it all i want, because i have a rapport with black people.