...since the five questions meme is going around again, and I'm not going to be posting much in the forseeable future, I may as well have another go at this. Anyone needing people to volunteer for querying, I'm in.
Hoppy Hoppy Boofday! One step closer to the dreaded 30! Nyah nyah nyah! ;) Okay, here goes:
1. If you were going to pursue a career in stand-up comedy and you'd just newly come to California (which you have), where would you start looking?
2. You have a magic wand with one use and one effect. You can wave your magic wand at any one human being in the world and *poof* their sexual orientation would change. Who would it be and why?
3. You're given an unlimited budget and carte blanche to change a game system around to the way you think it should have been written in the first place. Which system do you change and what aspects?
4. You're standing in front of your favorite fundamentalist. You do something that causes that person to have an epiphany and realize that he/she/it has been wrong all of his/her/its life. What do you do, to whom, and what effect does it have?
5. Ted Allen shows up on your doorstep to tell you that you've just won his services for a week and an unlimited budget to travel anywhere in the world and sample any kind of cuisine you want. Where do you go and what do you try? Sub-question: Do you become non-vegetarian for the week?
1. If you were going to pursue a career in stand-up comedy and you'd just newly come to California (which you have), where would you start looking?
2. You have a magic wand with one use and one effect. You can wave your magic wand at any one human being in the world and *poof* their sexual orientation would change. Who would it be and why?
3. You're given an unlimited budget and carte blanche to change a game system around to the way you think it should have been written in the first place. Which system do you change and what aspects?
4. You're standing in front of your favorite fundamentalist. You do something that causes that person to have an epiphany and realize that he/she/it has been wrong all of his/her/its life. What do you do, to whom, and what effect does it have?
5. Ted Allen shows up on your doorstep to tell you that you've just won his services for a week and an unlimited budget to travel anywhere in the world and sample any kind of cuisine you want. Where do you go and what do you try? Sub-question: Do you become non-vegetarian for the week?
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