Daveed Gartenstein-Ross was raised Jewish and converted to Islam in college. Eventually he left Islam and has now written a book describing his experiences with the more radical Islamic groups.
statement regarding the Pope's recent comments and the subsequent world reaction is one I've been waiting to come out.
I'd never call myself a Pope or Catholic Church apologist but in this instance he would have my support. If the supreme leader of the world's Catholics cannot speak out against Islam and its practices, who can?
During the time when the Moors ruled the Iberian penninsula, a priest in Cordova by the name of Perfectus was sentenced to beheading for stating that "Christians believe that Muhammed is a servant of the Devil". This was not even said in a public forum, but rather in a private conversation in the local market. The word eventually spread to the authorities who then arrested him and put him to death.
The fact is, unless one is Muslim or some kind of ecumenical theist, the majority of people are going to make similar conclusions regarding Muhammed. He's either a servant of the Devil or for those who don't believe in the Devil, simply just an asshole.