Mar 22, 2005 22:18
This afternoon, identical twin daughters were born to myself & Mrs. Simanowitz, approximately 150 feet from the exact spot where myself and my two sisters were born, and where my great grandpa as well as both grandparents (one three months ago) on my Mom's side died (likely both my parents and myself will expire there someday as well).
Moira Mae - 12:46 PM
4 lbs, 13.2 OZs
18 inches long
12.5-inch head
11.25-inch chest
Status: In the Neonatal ICU on an IV to even out her blood sugar until we can feed her. Came into the world quiet, like Jesus.
Miranda Anne - 12:47 PM
4 lbs, 15 OZs
18 inches long
12.25-inch head
11-inch chest
Status: Also in the Neonatal ICU on an IV (also came into the world quiet, like Jesus), Miranda also has a O2 hood (like an upside-down Pyrex bowl over her head with a tube carrying O2) on because her breathing is labored. The O2 is cranked at night to give her a rest so she can sleep, and is turned down during the day so she can work her lungs and muscles to eventually breathe regular air with little effort to keep her O2 levels up. Her feet occasionally turn blue, like other babies her age. They're elevated to help circulation, and that should correct it.
Hollie's vomiting, but getting better - the drugs make her head swim and her dizzy, causing nausea.
Hollie's goal is to be able to get up tomorrow to go touch her babies, which she has yet to do. She has seen them for a total of 1 minute each, immediately after their birth, and I have seen them about 20 minutes total, however, I have touched them and held them. As I'm working tomorrow, I left her in her Mom's care at the hospital and have come home to check on the dogs and crash, but I figured I'd type this first.
After sleeping for only a few hours last night on a sleeper-chair (like a sleeper-sofa, but chair-sized - NOT a portable bed) with no mattress, tonight will be bliss.
I miss Hollie. I'm worried about all my girls. I'll see them all after work tomorrow.
God, I'm exhausted.