I have a wife. I will soon have children. Society has let everyone down and is on it's way down the toilet.
I must ensure they survive the madness looming on the horizon. I fear that one of those 30 missing Russian "suitcase nukes" will arrive in town and be set off in retribution for future transgressions while we are under certain leadership. My only thoughts are to pack them up and RUN.
If we're not gone (probably moved to Canada or out of the blast area) by then we won't even know what hit us, as the most likely ground zero point is about 3 miles away. At least I have that for solace.
If disaster should strike, be well armed. Also, get to know your neighbors and if applicable to them, commit this information to memory:
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/524484/posts If you're ever in a pinch and need supplies to ensure your family's survival, this information could come in handy. What you do with it however, is up to you.
I took Hollie to the ER today. Turns out she was severely dehydrated, and after a few IVs of fluids, a few potassium pills, and some morphine she's all better. There's more (and new sonograms) on our site:
http://www.mimosa-grove.com in the nursery section.