May 05, 2009 14:10
Hi again, to anyone who might come across this.
I attended a great Seminar this last Weekend, May 1, 2, 3 and learned a lot about myself. I was admonished to develop a "Success Journal" and this will become that along with any other type of entry I create.
The point of a Success Journal is to develop a habit of seeing the success I have day to day. I am WAAAAAY to hard on myself and don't even realize that by not being able to produce 5 successes in just a few minutes, from my LIFE, that I am conditioned to fail, to not realize my success! In order to succeed, I need to develop the habit of recognizing when I do succeed and let that help to give me the courage to take action so I can become even more successful! So that is what I mean by Success Journal.
For example:
1. Woke up before 8 am this morning!
2. Worked out for over an hour!
3. Listened to my Conference Call!
4. Repeated my positive affirmations!
5. Wrote new affirmations and said those!
6. Started my success Journal!
7. Did a load of laundry and cleaned up the kitchen before 8:30am!
8. Finally spoke to my cousin again last night!
These are just a few examples I can think of for my success this morning! My job is to find at least 5 different successes every day.
I have to work now.
success journal