Dec 25, 2006 10:38
We celebrated our Christmas Morning service (otherwise known as The Nativity of our Lord) this morning. Between Advent 4 yesterday at 9 AM, Christmas Eve (otherwise known as the Eve of the Nativity of our Lord) at 7 PM last night and this morning's service, we had over 250 in attendance.
I introduced myself last night - since many of the faces were unfamiliar - or familiar once before, six months earlier.
It's bittersweet for me because I haven't gotten any presents yet, nor sent any cards, nor really did a whole lot that wasn't preparing for services or getting ready to preach...
I'll celebrate in a week, when things slow down. That's what I preached last night - Mary finally had a chance to ponder the many things that led up to that day. For me, I'll ponder it as I sleep (because I need a nap).
Merry Christmas!