so mere hours away from the innaugral jason christmas cookie party, featuring my gingerbread cookies recipie (aka my moms gingerbreak cookie recipie), some swanky music, with some tunes provided by my NYC counterpart
thalassocracy it will be so ooooomuch fun, we gonna bake and eat and bake some more, and drink, then wax, and bake while dancing like all those chick flicks in the late 90's (you know the ones im talking about) then we gonna WALK not RuN to the bar and start doing what the song below is saying,
Click to view
then when were good and liquored up who knows we might have an orgy, bake more cookies, grow a tail, or burn a house down, its hard to say but either way fun will be had throughout the day.
luckily , all my patients cases were finished yesterday and all i had to do today was send them to the DR's offices, cos work is slow and they let some of us take the day off, so i got the whole day off but got paid for half. YAY.
so i been working on getting the house ready, mitchel is headed over so i can get my grocereies.
i'll def be posting some pics of the party on here so be on the lookout.
only thing that i worry about, my former roomate who now lives in the guesthouse-turned apartment adjacent to my house suddenly decided he wants to have a theme party, poor thing he never gets these to turn out they way he wants, and he ony invites raver people so it always turns into a rave. sorrry NOT my fucking scene. first off, hes only have this party cos im having a party, i even heard him telling people that he was throwing "a 70's theme cookie party" "or some lame End-of-the-Semester shindig........
EX-squeeze Me????!!!???
my party is supposed to be for me and MY friends, its supposed to be chill, swanky, and adult,