From Twitter 05-10-2011

May 11, 2011 03:08

  • 03:31:58: The Moon's visit to your 4th House of Roots indicates that you... More for Taurus
  • 04:58:59: Last hour before going home. Boy, will I be glad to go to bed! Almost like I would be if I had a hot lady waiting for me! ;) lol!
  • 10:56:24: About to clock into work in a few. Managed to get some sleep this morning. Just gotta make it until 8pm!
  • 10:57:50: Did get six pages done last night on chapter twelve. Hopefully I get another good night going tonight so I can finish it and go to thirteen!
  • 15:36:26: Relaxing at lunch, thinking of stuff to write about tonight. Feeling somewhat better but can't get rid of this cough! Ugh!
  • 15:57:32: @ humglum well to me it is! ;) lol! Well, it sounded good to me at least!
  • 18:05:17: About to head back to work here shortly. Just another day of being bored out of my mind. At least eight will be here soon so I can write!

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