Dec 30, 2008 22:23
So, I'm flying through Morocco much quicker than I expected and am thinking if I can't find a tour of the desert in the next two or so days that I may just stay here for a few days and make up the celerity of my last few cities, and then go to the presumably warmer and nicer Essaoura, but that remains to be seen. So tonight I met a nice family, who took me to a hotel and brought me to their home for supper, which was great, then they told me to buy spices in Morocco, which I was skeptical about hearing, but tried to remain open minded, when the wife went out and came back with a bill and several spices for 840 Dirham (about $105.00) I was stunned and had nowhere near the money they asked. I don't know if they were genuinely trying to be helpful or conning the dumb foreigner, but I eventually only took away a bit of stuff for 350 Dirham, which I still am doubtful if I can carry back. I have lost much more money than I'd care to admit to this sort of foolishness, and don't know if I ought to feel stupid or like the person out of my element that I inevitably become every few days for the last four months. I feel bad about writing this, but by this point, I can't really afford to have these losses like this so much anymore, the only thing I take as consolation is a good story and something to reflect on for later. I must say the man (Hamad) and his family were very nice people and I do frankly believe they thought they were being genuinely helpful, because what's the point of reading the worst into them. Chalking it up to misunderstanding as opposed to maliciousness is always a better option in my book. Any thoughts?