You know you're an Arashi addict when...

Aug 06, 2008 02:14

This is my first post on LJ and I didn't think I'd ever come to do it mainly because I didn't think I had anything really to write about. I used my account just to find other people with Arashi-related interests, but just the other day something happened that made me laugh out loud and want to write about it - whether or not people read it.

I became an Arashi fan (read: obsessed fangirl) just around February after watching Hanadan and trying to find out just who this hot Domyouji was! Of course then I found Arashi and all the amazing subbers out there who take time to translate and sub so many things and it was pure love from then on.

So last week I was at home with my little cousins and they were running around and being the little crazy munchkins that they are and so we started dancing around to a bunch of songs on DVD they begged me to play. And of course, being kids, and me attempting to still be one, we started spinning around in circles. After about the 5th spin I got dizzy and in the midst of us all laughing I wondered to myself - "what would happen if we spun around one way and then immediately started spinning the other way, would we not get dizzy and be able to walk straight?". I laughed to myself and thought "what an A no Arashi sort of thought! I wish Aiba would do something like that!"

Just yesterday I watched episode 100 of D no Arashi that the awesome Becky at Taijiprojectsubs did this past week. And what do you think I saw at the end of the episode as a preview for episode 101?? AIBA AND SHO SPINNING!!! And they were doing the A no Arashi experiment I thought up! I couldn't stop laughing at myself.

What's funnier is that now I'm starting to think like Aiba...although that's also a little scary!
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