I Heart My Fandom

Jan 19, 2009 13:38

Today marks the one year anniversary to when my Arashi obsession started.  I'll admit, I was Jun-baited in, but now after one year of rainbow crack, I can say that I'm truly a huge fan of each member. They each bring such a unique quality to the group that I don't know how you can help but love them. It may sound silly, but they really have inspired to me to try harder in so many things.

But, none of this would be possible if it weren't for this absolutely amazing fandom that surrounds Arashi. The translators, subbers, uploaders, scanners, music rippers, graphics artists, community moderators and members...I always find it so great that people take time out of their busy lives to help other fans.

Thank you to all of you who have allowed me to become an Arashian! In their 10th year I hope they become bigger and stronger as a group and with their fans.

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