Retreat went well. Finally, I guess it can be called a dream? Well finally I was able to be a leader! It was quite fulfilling. Yea some people were too hard core (aka "COOL") for all the "Godly" stuff, it saddens me but I know there will always be those people. All I can do is pray for them.
We LOVE Barrie! Barrie we love! Vote Barrie!
Only the MOST AWESOMEST, INTELLIGENTEST, SARCASTICEST, FANTASTICEST, (going on and on) person I know! Monica I LOVE you!
ACE I LOVE YOU! I'm SO proud of you! I know for sure God ADORES you, he told me. ;)
Haha Brian is AWESOME too....Geesh SO many AWESOME people!
Haha who's that tree? Why tis me!
Only THE COOLEST group that ever went up to Cottontail!
"We're off to see God the wonderful God of ours because because because because because of the wonderful things he does........
break it down now....
Hey God you're so cool you're so cool you rock my socks Hey God hey hey Hey God!"
I love these people!
And I ADORE these people!
Awww man, I wanted the one with Barrie in the back, I'll get it! Once my photobucket works...::sigh::
These were when I got home, but I just thought they were cool...
Geesh, I learned so much this weekend. CORE team rocks! Man they're like my new family away from home. The Hands prayer just broke me down along with those "too cool kids". I loved how I got to do the "trust walk" with the kids. (Even though it wasn't the actual trust walk) The large group affirmation with the candle, tears came for what I prayed for because it was me disguised within the prayer. I got to know SO many awesome people, Emily girlie! We're going to Arizona! Yes yes we are! Our mailboxes were SO awesome. Chris, THANK YOU for the SWEETEST message, your message really brought tears to my eyes even though it said you didn't want to see me cry. Danny thanks for being the BEST CO-leader (haha cuz im superior-> that's how you spell it). I have given up my worries for school, I'm just putting it in God's hands and I'm letting him guide me. Its so undescribable what I'm feeling right now. I LOVE YOU JELLY! If it wasn't for you, your example, your kindness, your intelligence, your patience, your love for God, and just for everything you do for us (for me) I wouldn't be the person I am today, with the help of God of course. Your my favoritest sister! EVER! May all of you find God, sooner or later. (I'd be sorry for sounding "preachy" but that's just who I am.) Those who don't believe, I respect you just know that He'll always be there for you, waiting until you need him. His love for us is UNCONDITIONAL. Don't forget that!
Alright now...Peace Out!