Dec 29, 2009 16:08
In just two days, 2010 will be arriving and stepping foot on the shores of Singapore. We will be bidding 2009 goodbye and welcoming the new year. Whether is it with open arms or not, that really is subjective. ;)
I guess there will be the usual fireworks and fanfare, as well as those end-of-the-year party celebrations and countdowns happening at bluechip locations in Singapore and around the world. It should be rather exciting for party-goers as the atmosphere thickens with anticipation for them.
For me, I'm not too sure what will I be doing on 31 Dec/1 Jan. Most likely it will be a quiet affair. Nevertheless, to sum 2009 up: it has been rather eventful. In a blink of the eye, it feels as if so much had happened. Its actually quite hard to put it into quantitative terms just how long it feels. Contradictory feelings, as so much had happened but yet in actuality, only 365 days have since been gone.
Its been 10 months since i sold my items, packed my luggage, returned my 103 Munro Street's room keys back to Australia's EL Properties and took the flight back to the island formally. It has been 10 months.... only. haha. It definitely felt longer than that.
I've grown and understood a lot more.
For me, I'll be starting the year afresh.
Its gonna be different... I'm gonna be different, simply because.... its truly time to rock! ;)