When my world is falling apart
When there is no light to break up the dark
That’s when I look at you
{ When I Look At You
Oh why hello! Yes yes, I am still very VERY much alive. Told you I'd be going on hiatus due to my SPM trials. Which by the way is OVER. But there's no point celebrating because the real deal is up in 2 months. So yeah.
Oh, and how much I miss blogging. Need to get my blogging mojo back.
Nothing much has happened. Wait, scratch that. Actually A LOT has happened. For starters, someone tried to hack into my LJ account. Yes my very own blog here. And it's the most ridiculous thing ever. I got an email saying I wanted to reset my password. And then earlier, there was a anonymous comment on my previous entry(which I deleted off) with it saying "This is Jasmine".
Dear Hacker, are you a freaking retard? Or maybe you FAIL at trying to hack my blog. I'm sorry, but next time when you TRY to hack an account, please make sure you have the mentality to do so. You wasted probably some few minutes of your life to attempt a stupid thing, so congrats on that. You might want to find out my email password before attempting to find out my LJ password. Loser much?
And yes, thank you for the very kind comment on how you're possibly my long-lost idiotic twin who shared the same name as me. For the record, I'm not as stupid as you.
Oh, it's the holidays now! Another week break! YAYYYYYY! A lot of plans going on. Hitting the cinemas tomorrow with Kat and Ged and possibly Joyce to watch G-Force! Yes, it's the adorable guinea pig who save the world show! YOU CAN'T SAY NO TO THOSE FLUFFY CREATURES!
So we're slowly getting back some of our trials paper back now. So far so good. But still, I know I didn't put much effort into my trials as I did for my midyear exams. So my trial results are kind of detoriating. Like for instance, I did pretty bad for my Mod Maths compared to the usual and possibly my Add Maths, which I've yet to know whether I can secure my A1 since I only got back my paper 1. My History paper on the other hand wasn't as bad as I predicted :)
OH MY GOSH. Yes. I am now obsessed with Nicholas Sparks's books. I bought my first ever book by him last week. It's called The Last Song. And let me tell you, best book ever I have read. I literally bawled my eyes out for an hour. It was the worst I've ever done while reading a book. I recommended it to Joyce and she bought it yesterday! And I warned her bout the whole crying thing which is bound to come along. And yes, even my darling Nenek Maizatul! She bought the book and bawled for an hour. It's seriously so so GOOD.
And now, I'm reading his other books. I read A Walk To Remember and The Wedding. And I still have loads more to read. But I will, eventually ;)
Ah, yes. I revamped my blog a little bit. Like new header, change some wordings here and there. Wanted to change the entire layout, but I couldn't find one which I really like. So I stick to this one :)
Oh, and now I have an animated JB moodtheme. Teehee :)
And yes, he's the one who I have a large crush on.Teehee :) He received a piano for his birthday from his family. And it's not just any piano, but it's the EXACT piano where he wrote A Little Bit Longer(his diabetic-inspired song) last year in Canada while filming Camp Rock. And it meant a lot to him, so that's really sweet :)