My Big Long Doll Rantage~

May 09, 2006 18:43

Okay, not ranting, more "Squee~" like. So if you're interested, clicky the cut!

Yes, he's here! He's here! I set my alarm early this morning so I could race down the post office as soon as it opened (because of previously stated problems with his arrival. Let's not go into that again...)

Just an ordinary box. Nothing special. Marked with my name and also listed as a free gift, though the value was declared in full so despite being listed as a gift it is still possible to incur customs fees if he was captured. My luck was up though and he was shipped through with no customs troubles.

I got him home after visiting the library. The box was placed on my bed, stared at for a while, then ripped open. Inside was the famous pink DollZone box. I don't honestly think Eden enjoyed being shipped in a pink box, but anyway...

Inside that box was a christmas cracker... A pink one :P Okay, they were just two pillows tied with ribbon. The pillows are really thick and soft, but yes, satin pink... I pulled that open and I had him in my hands~

Hands, feet, head, and neck were all encased in bubble wrap layers. I first inspected his body. The seams are sanded and I can find no trace of them. His body is very nice to look at, well proportioned and toned without being too muscly. His legs are long and his color is perfect. I was worried about the white skin being too white but it turns out to be a fairly equal match to DoD resin (at least the resin color I got with Faith.) I reckon changing heads and bodies between DoD and Dollzone will be a definite possibility. (One which I shall attempt in the future for those who are interested).

First I ripped off the bubblewrap around his hands. His hands are beautiful! The fingers are fully seperated and well made. Very long, delicate fingers. Much love for his hands~ They are so expressive.

Feet came next. Now, I'm used to Faith's feet, which are big, so Eden's feet looked fairly similar. Nothing special here, just feet.

Okay. Deep breathe and take off the bubble wrap around his face. First one layer and I could see some color. Then the rest and...stare. Yes, I stared. Happiness bubbled inside me and I went "Squee~" (yes, honest to god.) He is beautiful. Stunning. Just how I wanted him. All my fears were set aside. DZ did his makeup just how I wanted and their work is wonderful. The coloring, the lines, everything is perfect! I tried the brown fur wig on him, laughed, then pulled on the DoD wig I have saved for a future doll (It was black and silver, so at least I got an idea of how black was to look.) Wonderful! Plus now I know which wig to buy him (after placing an order already with Leeke but...oh well...there will be others).

He is perfect. Stunning. Wonderful. Everything I wanted. He poses wonderfully. He can touch his face. HIS FACE! Without bending his joints in a weird way or anything - he can touch his freakin' face! He stands reasonably well - not as well as Faith - but reasonably well. A bit of a kicky leg problem but nothing I can't handle. I can't honestly think that I would need to suede, wire, or even restring him in the near future.

List of good things: (God, too many to mention)
Body sculpt. Great. Cute butt :D Fantastic hands.
Posing. Sits straight. Stands fairly well. Head moves easily. Can touch his FACE!
Face up is GREAT! Totally worth the money.

Problems? Well everyone wants to know, right? Well his ears do stick out a bit more than I would like. Nothing MAJOR but it is noticeable.
Secondly, he has the ill-fitting headcap problem someone else has photographed. Not as bad as the other photograph, I don't think, but it's not a perfect seam the whole way around. I will photograph this later as documentation.
Lastly...ermm...kinda of embarassing...he is very *cough* manly. *giggles* Do you know what I mean? *wink wink* I believe his feet are big for a REASON~ *laughs more* How embarassing~ *blushes*

Okay, now to clothes and shoes and wigs. Normal MSD sized wigs fit perfectly. No slipping, no moving even once it's own. So you're looking for 7-8 sized wigs (that's right...right?) The one I tried on was from DoD (which are standard size, not DoD size) was perfect.
I tried on Faith's leather pants which fit Faith perfectly. They are a little loose on Eden around the waist, but the length is perfect.
Shoes will encounted the same as DoD shoe problems. I tried on the dollheart shoes I have and they fit perfectly. They have been stretched though, which makes it easier. I think his feet are much the same size as Faith's (maybe a little wider around the ball of the foot).

I will try on other clothes and shoes as they become available (even if this means borrowing friends stuff :D We all want to see him in a dress, right! XD )

And now, what everyone's been waiting for, a picture! (Well the picture is actually outside the cut but if you've clicked this then technically it's after all this rantage).

Any questions? Feel free to ask :D

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