My Geeky Holiday Wishlist

Nov 09, 2005 12:21

Because all the cool kids are doing it...

If you are on my friends list, there's a good possibility that you are, in some
fashion, a geek.

You might be a comics geek. Or a dolly-geek. A Star Wars
geek, or Star Trek geek, or Nightmare Before Christmas geek. Maybe a
gothic-lolita-fashion geek.

And the thing about being a geek is...
sometimes the family is a little less understanding of your geeky tendencies.
They think you're too old for toys, or cartoons, and really, shouldn't you be
saving up for a house and some appliances to fill it with? Even if they're
supportive of your geekitude, they don't always know just what it is that you're
looking for, and so you end up going back to the store to return the
well-intentioned gifts.

So... this holiday, make a wish.

Step One:
Make a post (Public, Friendslocked, Filtered... Whatever you're comfortable
with!) to your LJ. The post should contain your list of 10 GEEKY holiday wishes;
the wishes can be anything at all, from simple ("I want a fanfic!") to medium
("I want toys!") to really big ("I want a WACOM tablet/digital camera/really
explicit slash fic"). The important thing is, make sure these wishes are things
you really, truly want.

If you wish for real life things (not fics or
icons), make sure you include some sort of contact info in your post, whether
it's your address or just your email address where Santa (or the MaccaBee, or
your secret special friend) could get in touch with you. Also, make sure you
post some version of these guidelines in your LJ so that the holiday joy will

Step Two: Surf around your friendslist (or friendsfriends, or
just random journals) to see who has posted their list. And now here's the
important part: If you see a wish you can grant, and it's in your heart to do
so, make someone's wish come true. Sometimes someone's trash is another's
treasure, and if you have an extra of a certain toy, or a gift certificate you
won't use, or access to a REALLY AWESOME fan-artist who just might be convinced
to apply their skills to some seriously WRONG illustrated smut, do

You needn't spend money on these wishes unless you want to. The
point isn't to put people out, it's to provide everyone a chance to be someone
else's holiday elf to spread the joy. Gifts can be made anonymously or not; it's
your call! There are no rules with this project, no guarantees, and no strings
attached. Just... Wish, and it might come true. Give, and you might receive. And
you'll have the joy of knowing you made someone's holiday special...

For everyone's convenience though I will be making two lists. One of tangible things and one for 'other' things such as fanfiction etc...

Real Life Stuffs:

1. King of Bandit Jing DVD 4. Gah...It's taken me so long to collect this serious and there are only four DVD's!! All I have left to get is number four...

2. Like most people are are slaves to their dolls, I Wish for anything for Faith. He especially needs clothes but anything is great. Cute plushies, doll sized props, hair things, jewelry, absolutely anything. (And if you feel goth-inspired then my one-day-future-dolls are more gothy than Faith. They would appreciate things too that I can add to their 'welcome home' basket).

3. XD Is it lame that I want socks too? I have a bit of a sock fetish (not a foot fetish, just the socks). I love knee high and thigh high socks. I would love a pair of knee high thin white socks because I can't find them anywhere! Damn my big feet...

4. J-pop, anime music, any sort of Japanese music either burnt to CD or an official CD. :D I love music of any sort really. Burn me your entire MP3 list and I will love you forever!

5. Heck, anime too. Burn me some anime and I will love you! Especially any BL stuff that I can't get like KKM, etc.

Internet type stuff:

1. Fanfiction for any of my favorite pairings. KaixRei especially because I still love them. Smut is especially favored because I have a dirty mind that refuses to leave the gutter.

2. Fanart for any of those pairings. Smut and cutesy is all welcome :D Fanart of Faith would be nice too...I don't post much of him because of my lack of camera but some new pictures will be coming soon.

3. A 'Spirit Level' icon I can use for my website. Like a banner type thing. I know what I want but I'm not very good at art. If you want to attempt to do this just message me or something and I'll give up some ideas ^^

4. Someone to help me practice Japanese because I can't afford a tutor. Even if you aren't that good at Japanese yourself we can practice together!

5. Someone to help me with CSS and HTML and especially iFRAMES!!! My webdesign skills are very bad.

And finally, I love Christmas cards. Either digital or snail mail wise. I usually only get one or two cards every year so I would love some cards. the chance that anyone does want to send me something real then I can give you my address through email!

There are other lists here:



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