Title: Whatever You Say
jasmassonGenre: Supernatural, Wincest
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC17
Word count: 4,200
Warning: Warnings for D/s-ish themes and possible coerced sex because it’s ‘magic made them do it’ clichéfic.
Beta: Thanks to the wonderful and speedy
candygrammeDisclaimer: Not mine, no money, not true, blah blah...
Author’s notes: This is for the
rounds_of_kink challenge for the prompt D/s - Dean is dominant. I should probably apologize to the prompter because while I stuck to the letter of your challenge, it probably isn’t quite what you had in mind. Sorry.
“It blew up in your face, Dean. So, you know, maybe the spell might not have gone quite according to plan.”
“Ah, don’t worry about it,” Dean said, carelessly. Sam’s brow cleared instantly.
“OK, Dean,” he said calmly, smiling placidly.
“Jesus,” Dean said. That was some strong mojo if it could stop Sam obsessing about shit. “OK, worry if you want to. Just do it quietly.”
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