So, I'm aware it's been slightly doom and gloom around here re SPN recently, so I have decided to make an entirely cheerful little picspam of some of my favourites...
How about some sexy evil Sam? Mmmmm.
Or a slightly more, ah, sensitive Sam. (He's just too precious for this world)
But my favourite Sam is, shallowly perhaps, a semi naked Sam...
I like Dean when he's smirking...
Or unconsciously erotic...
Or just being crazy levels of pretty...
Sam and Dean
But you know I really like my Sam and Dean together (credit for banners in the titles)...
Possibly, up against the wall...
Jared and Jensen
They're cute when Jensen giggles
And just being pretty and together
But one of the things I like best about candid J2 is shown below. They're not either of them at their prettiest (Jensen - are your clothes polyester? And what the hell is that on your face? Jared - do your hair, and check your jeans for holes when going to a red carpet, man), but I love how, away from a photographer going "slouch, Jared", or camera angles, or Dean's huge personality, you can really see just how much bigger than Jensen Jared is. Mmmm. Size kink. \o/
Oh, and an extra of Jared, because I'm biased ;)
Hope you enjoyed! This is like therapy for me... think happy thoughts, OK? ;)