Jul 26, 2004 12:10
well on saturday i went to the tofu festival wit jeff weyr it had all these jpnez pplz n evrie once in a while jeff wud be lyke hey...a white person lol...so yea they had tofu tamales n tofu ice cream n tofu mochi n all this soy stuff...juss name it n they prolly had a tofu version uh that...o yea n i saw this booth wit these fobs in it n they were sellin season passes fer universal studios n it said "For 1 Whole Yrs." hahahaha fobs make meeh laugh...
so yea it wuz in downtown LA n we got bored wit all the tofu afta a while so we juss wandered around j-town ::japanese town:: fer those of u who dont kno wut im talkin bout...so we went into this building n we went to the basement outside weyr thers this lito jpnez garden n then we went back inside n got bored so we juss looked around at all the rooms...then we went to the 5th floor which wuz the top floor n looked wut there wuz up there n then we saw stairs so we went up some more to the roof...n he opened the door n there wuz this REELIE LOUD BEEP n then this alarm went off so we juss lyke went bak to the 5th n ran out lolz...we were all lyke how dumb..there wuznt even an emergnecy exit sign that said there wud be an alarm or neting...
OH i juss randomly saw Aki there fer those uh yooh who go to san fernando...so random...i helped him pass out fliers on this cholesterol research ting so yea gud tymes lol...newayz...we got tired uh j-town so we juss went to maii house again n chilled in maii bak yard...
so yea yesterday wuz a normal day uh work but yea i wuz in the elevator n OMG...the NASTIEST pick up line or wuteva ive heard...so yea i wuz in the elevator wit this guy...juss goin home on a normal day uh work n hes lyke...hey, wen r u comin to work again so i can throw maii balls at u? n i wuz lyke O_O >_< and -____-'...all those faces at one tyme...yea...so nasty...see most guyz r more normal n subtle n r lyke hey do u work here? ::even tho i'm in the employee building weyr onlie employees can enter::...blegh...so nasty...that place is lyke a pickup joint or sumptin...but yea i wuz gonna write more stuff but i fergot so yea take kare evrieone!!~