my mom and sis just told me about some video clips...of me and other singers from that contest back in september, remember? (if only you'd shut up about it already, ja!)
if you're curious to hear some tidbits of the various 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners, go here: again, nevermind the chinese fonts - i myself never downloaded them nor can i read them. =( but on the left margin they've listed our first names in English, so that should be easy enough to navigate. my name is listed twice for some reason, but the to view my clip, click the 2nd occurance of my name cuz the 1st occurance seems to be a dud link.
incidentally, the former American Idol hopeful William Hung was a guest at that contest and he actually sang - and sings on key! he just lacks style and polish to counter his goofiness. but i did get to speak w/ him and his parents, and they really are nice folks who are riding where the wind takes them. indeed. (and if you want to watch his video clip, it's the top-most one in the left margin.)
enjoy. or have a good laugh. whichever. =P