Not Studying Physiological... That's For Damn Sure

May 26, 2004 12:03

I woke up this morning somewhat depressed. I am not going to Vegas this summer. The past two summers I have lost many a chip to the ruthless, yet so charismatic Vegas dealers, but those guys just make losing such a joy...

My Vegas-realization depression was short-lived. I walked out of my apartment at roughly 9:15 this morning to catch the bus, the one that takes me to the Physics buildings on North-South Dr., so that I may sit in class and wait for something that will never happen. I have, however, been paying attention this week. Failing a test usually has that affect on me.

Well, since January our apartment, moreover, my bathroom, has been under the occupation, residence of... Er... What's his name? Smithy? Dagwood... No, Beefy! You see our latest roommate, Beefy/Dagwood/Smithy, or BDS for short, enjoys long showers wherein getting his gross, nasty body hair all over the place, urinating on the toilet seat, and stockpiling his dishes in our now never-clean sink. He delights in never communicating with us (us being Travis, Josh, or me) and revels in the idea of throwing his trash in a garbage-bagless rubbish-bucket (trashcan, I just made up rubbish-bucket, nice huh). Of course, one may conclude that the trashcan is void of a trash bag because BDS took the trash out, but that, my darling readers, will only be greeted by laughter. No, BDS is leaving. He is going way of many other former U.C. residents and departing from UF. However, his pasty, hairy, large, and grotesquely-shaped legacy will haunt 307 for all-time.

I could further reveal to you that BDS (Beefy/Dagwood/Smithy if you have forgotten), in a drunken stupor, puked up macaroni all over the toilet (within the first two weeks of his being here no less) and failed to clean it up. I am certain that he meant to and just felt too ill for the next… Oh, thirty-six hours to not swab it up. It was only after I returned home from my long, weary Miami jaunt that I discovered this new horror, the horror being the realization that my new roommate was completely incompetent and an utter pig. He goes great with the pig farm smell here. Sheesh... And I used to be such a nice guy. We will all miss you Beefy/Dagwood/Smithy... If that is your real name.

I am thinking that I need to go to the pool now. Perhaps I will bring along trusty physiological and peruse chapter nine, the stuff on sleep, or in my case lack there of. If you, my dear reader, have any better options for me give me a ring. Of course, most you that read my journal are either gone, do not know my number, or otherwise unwilling to ring me. I further realize that it is rather presumptuous on my part to assume that any of you read my long-winded, stereotypically pessimistic lj posts. We all know, after all, that I do not read yours. I just make random comments that seem as if I am paying attention.

JamesUmm... No, I think it is the book of Relativity that explains Jesus will come back to us and even pardon a few.

JoshNo, that is definitely not correct.

(Thinking)Yeah, you're right. Something is off... or missing.

JoshEh, you missed a spot on the floor.

James cleans missed spot on floor.

(Realizing)I know! We have it all wrong! Jesus is the one that gets visited by the three ghosts of Christmas... And the ghosts tell him that he is not paying his clerk, Judas or something, enough schilling.

JoshYeah, I remember that. Jesus used to play in a lot of movies.

(Laughing)No, Josh... Sheesh... Jesus was not an actor! He was portrayed by actors. Jesus is way old. He lived like one-hundred years ago or something. They did not even have cinema when he lived, duh.

JoshI know when Jesus lived jackass. And, yes, he was an actor. He made silent films.

JamesWell, that can't be. You're implying that he made a movie that has an obvious audio track... Several for that matter running concurrently. Not possible back then.

JoshThat's because they added the audio tracks later. Not to mention that most Jesus's movies are all CG'ed now. Half the effects from Wrath of Khan, which talks all about the book of Genesis, is either a model or now CG'ed. Get your facts straight asshead.

(Long pause)That was a good movie. Especially the part where Judas puts a bug in Jesus' ear.

JoshYeah, then he tries to take over the Enterprise.

JamesJesus is nothing without Kirk.

Compromised by my classes...
Who needs a bachelors?


P.S. Oh c'mon! You know I read your shitty journal.
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