Rambling's of Nostalgia... Fantastical, Superbical Nostalgia

Apr 22, 2004 02:23

A good rain to clean away this semester would be nice right now, and also appropriate...

I've always enjoyed Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I just wrapped up season three's Graduation Day Part II, which is that season's finale. Wonderful episode. The scene with Faith and Buffy sharing the dream and the flash of Faith lying in bed bloodied, beaten, and in a coma are rather moving (I know that sounds stupid for those of you that do not watch the show... Given the title and all). And then there's the mayor. What a nice bad guy. A shame he couldn't see past the whole, "I want to ascend and become a dreadfully gargantuan snake thing."

Okay. Three of four of my finals are in the books. I'm wrapping up spring semester of '04 and I am feeling slightly nostalgic and a little defeated. About the defeated stuff... No, I suppose I will keep that to myself. The rest? Well, I generally feel this way when it comes to the end of a semester. Actually, I always do when times, periods in my life are coming to an end. There's just something to conclusion. I will never have this semester back. How did it change things? Did something happen that will completely alter my life? Of course, but what exactly? Months, years from now what will stand out?

I heard a nameless guy say something about departing then seeing Gainesville next fall and that kind of hit a chord in me. Not real sure why, but I suppose it has something to do with conclusion... And summer seems like a long time to be gone. I, on the other hand, unlike the nameless stranger, cannot fathom going home at this junction. When I first came here last fall campaign I was certain that I would be reporting back to Lakeland for the summer, and now? Eh, no thanks. I love everyone there, but I have the whole autonomy thing going for me here. Good stuff... And I would like to thank my parents for that... So, "Thanks mom and dad and I hope you are okay if I decide to become a screenplay writer." What am I saying? Of course they will.

Finally, I think that I truly like the U-boat picture in my journal. The black and white just looks good... And I do love submarines and war metaphors.

Retrieved my project...
I played some video games...
Now the nostalgia.


P.S. Anyone want me to sign their yearbook? Oh, bugger off. I am getting to old for this.

P.P.S. Superbical should be a word!
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