(no subject)

Oct 17, 2005 21:50

Today was not a great day. It wasn't horrible, just not great.
I have a project due tomorrow, and it isn't even close to being finished, but lucky for me, Mrs. D gave me an extension, b/c she saw how hard I was working on it. Now it's due on Wednesday, which is good, b/c I will actually have time to do it tomorrow, since I don't have to work.
Today was the fourth day in a row that I had to work! I'm definitely looking forward to my day off tomorrow, even though I'll be working my ass off on my damn project- wish I didn't have any homework at all.

My survey about teens and marijuana (which is my project that is due on Wednesday) proved quite disappointing. The results were unrealistic. Since I have an extension, I'm going to survey some more tomorrow. I find it hard to believe that less than 33% of the students I surveyed have smoked marijuana. Of course, there is always going to be a slight margin of error, b/c everyone who smokes weed isn't necessarily going to admit it. Still, I was disappointed with the results.

I got a ZERO in Algebra II today. I'm an idiot, and I left my test in my folder in Mrs. Thompson's room, over the weekend, so I couldn't do my test corrections that were due today. She doesn't accept late work. Damnit. So much for getting an A this six weeks. I guess I should expect a B now, unless by some miracle, I get like a 100 on a test... ha ha, yeah right! That zero definitely ruined my day...
Fourth period was the worst. I already strongly dislike that class as it is, but today was terrible. Mr. Dove, for whatever reason, was out again today, and we had yet another substitute. Today, our substitute was Satan. No, I am not kidding. He decided that he was going to make his own rules, instead of us following Mr. Dove's rules.

Mr. Doves Rules:
You may use the restroom whenever you need to, as long as you take the bathroom pass.
You may not eat or drink in the classroom, except for water.

Satan's Rules:
NO BATHROOM PRIVILEGES! "Be responsible young adults and take care of your bathroom needs before or after class. Take responsibility for your actions!"
NO WATER! "What does that say on the board, young lady?! No food or drink! Is water a drink?"

He started off the class by yelling at us, and ended the class yelling at us. Honestly, there are times when I want to yell at that damn class myself, but he was just way WAY out of line. He was awful. He said some really out of line things, and offended a LOT of people. Besides that, he is a complete idiot. He decided that with our class of 68 people, we were going to have a debate about a newspaper article he read. Wow, Satan, you're a genius! Then, he got mad when people talked out of turn... once again... 68 people. Not to mention that this is CHORUS class. God forbid we actually sing in that class. We'll probably sing at least once before the week is over. No more than twice, I'm sure. When is graduation day again?

Well, today in class, Satan said something to this girl that made her sooooooooooooo mad. This girl's name is Brandi, I believe. Brandi is, well, to be honest, an outcast. It's sad, but it's true. She is a loner. No one talks to her. She always sits alone. She even has a tendency to talk to herself. People think she is a little weird, which she is, I'll give her that, but it's not okay for people to treat her the way they do. She tries to talk to people sometimes, and people just ignore her. She just walks around by herself, just begging silently for someone to accept her. It breaks my heart, mostly because I'm no better than everyone else who treats her bad, because I haven't done anything to make her feel any better than they make her feel. I always tell myself that one day, I'm going to walk up to her and say "Hi, Brandi, my name is Jamie."- just so she'll have someone to talk to. But I always put it off. Today, I wish I hadn't put it off...

Satan yelled at Brandi, and you could tell by her expression right away, that she was PISSED! I would have been too, if he had said something like that to me. But I didn't notice until minutes later (when everyone else noticed and started pointing and staring at her) that she was crying... and I don't mean a tear running down her cheek, she was BAWLING her eyes out! And something else... she was praying. I don't know what she was saying, but she was praying. And I sat there for a moment, just watching her pray. How brave she was to sit there, humiliated while everyone is staring at her, with her hands together, pointed towards God. And she didn't care that everyone was watching her- she just prayed.

Everyone just sat there and watched her cry... how bad it must feel to cry with no one to comfort you. No one comforted her or hugged or or gave her a shoulder to cry on. Everyone just watched. And for a minute, so did I. But I got tired of being like everyone else, and I decided that it was time I did what I said I was going to- to be her friend. So I go up out of my seat, knowing that Satan was going to yell at me as soon as he realized I was out of my seat, but I didn't care, because he was the asshole who made her cry and I was prepared to tell him that (only not those EXACT words!).

Then, all of a sudden, she just let out this SCREAM that got everyone's attention. I got scared. I sat back down. Everyone started laughing at her. It pissed me off. So I vocally expressed my opinion. I don't even remember everything I said, but I know that everyone heard me, because it got SUPER quiet in the room after everyone was done laughing- right when I opened my mouth. I remember saying "I don't think it's funny at all that someone is crying," and "I think some people in here are being assholes!" All I know is everyone looked at me. I got their attention. I said what I had to say, and most of the class agreed with me, and added their little Thank yous and Amens. I'm surprised Satan didn't say anything to me, but at this point, he was trying to calm down the girl he made cry.

I felt bad.... on behalf of all the cruel, insensitive people in that classroom. I felt like one of them, and I didn't like that feeling, because I am NOTHING like them.

But you know, we are all hypocrites. Don't deny it. You are, too. We all talk about other people, we gossip, we make people feel bad about themselves, we alienate and isolate others with our "cliques" and "groups", and yes, we even think we are better than some people. But we're not. Nobody is too good for anybody. We are all people, not WEIRD, not UGLY, but PEOPLE. There are no FREAKS, TRASH, LOSERS, WHORES, NERDS- there are only people. We are all people and until we can all realize that and treat each other with the love that Jesus taught us, then we will always fall short of the brotherly love that is meant to bind us all together.

God Bless you, Brandi.
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