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Oct 12, 2005 21:28

Well... today was quite a ho-hum day. Not a bad day. Just pretty ordinary. I haven't talked to Jason long enough to make it a good day. I haven't talked to him for more than 3 minutes total the entire day. I would be able to talk to him now if my little sister would get her ASS off the phone!
My bus driver saw me get on the bus this morning with "The Purpose Driven Life" in my hand, and she proceeded to tell me about another christian living/devotional book that she thought I would love. She said she had some extra copies and that she wanted to give one to me. I didn't know she had them with her, but when I got on the bus this afternoon, she gave me a copy! It is called "Hinds' Feet on High Places", and inside the front cover, she wrote a little message:

To a sweet and classy lady
I hope you enjoy!
Angela Young
Bus 10

I started reading it as soon as I sat down, and I'm currently on Chapter 2. It is an interesting piece of work. I like it. It's different. Probably doesn't seem to hold much significance to anyone else, but it made me feel special.
I did get my official acceptance letter from Mars Hill this afternoon! Whether I get to go or not, actually seeing my acceptance letter made me feel so special. I'm still so surprised that I got in... At one point, I didn't think anyone but a community college would accept me, but I guess I proved myself wrong. That's what I get for beating myself up.
Tomorrow will be a good day. I'm off work, so I don't have to dress nice for anyone, which means I will be in jeans and a T shirt, with my hair back... and I will come home from school and be lazy for the remainder of the day (Lord, what a blessing lazy days are!) It'll be Thursday, which means it's almost Friday, which means I get to see Jason soon. And oh yeah! I don't have to ride the bus home tomorrow, so I'll get home 45 minutes earlier! That means my lazy afternoon will begin sooner than usual! Yay! You know how you can just feel a good day? I feel it... tomorrow is gonna be a good one.
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