Dec 17, 2006 18:15
Sitting back in her chair, she slowly surveyed the mess left behind.... the shattered patio door, it's glass scattered across the patio like diamonds twinking in the moonlight... the battered down front door... the still cowering little animals and the still pacing Jeffrey. She watched as Shaun and Johnny brought the plywood in from the back storage barn and began placing it over the empty doorframe until the glass could be replaced in the patio doors. Sighing, she bent her head, resting her forhean on her fingertips, only to feel the headpiece there.
And here I thought Josephcould no longer surprise me, she thought. Considering, she had to admit the logic of Josephs choice, but admitted she didn't have to like it. Standing, she walked through the still empty portion of the patio door and went to her grove. Lighting the candles on the altar, she knelt and opened her mind and heart to the Mother.
Please... Mother guide me... let me not fail them. Give me the strength to face this new tribulation and suceed... let me learn the lessons you seek to teach me in this new path of my Spiral... help me to choose wisely and to rule well... help me to make this a true Domain of Yours.
Pondering, she considered this new duty... Prince Kane.