Jul 02, 2004 00:51
Well today was pretty uneventful. I slept in until about 11 and then ate and watched some TV. Then I got ready for work and went to work for 9 very long hours. But I had Panda Express for dinner so that was good! Then after work I went straight to the Guthrie's and owned the enemy in Halo. I am a beast. Haha - I wish I could play that game. Matt and I had a good talk and now I am going to try to get some sleep since I have to wake up to work at 7! AHHH!!!!
Walgreens Story of the day: An old man walks up to the register and asks, "Where are you hiding the Valentine's Day cards?
Me: Uh..
Old Man: Well, where can I find them?
Me: You can find them around January... I am sorry we don't have any right now.
Old Man: Are you sure you don't have any in the back or something?
Me: Yes, I'm positive. That is something we carry only around Valentine's Day.
Old Man: Oh. Well do you have any birthday cards?
Me: Yes, we have many.
Old Man: Well, where can I find those?
Me: In the hallmark aisle. Aisle four!
Old Man: OK, thank you.
(10 minutes later)
Old Man: Am I blind?
Me: Uh..
Old Man: I can't seem to find the birthday cards.
Me: Well, do you see that bright yellow sign that says Hallmark? THey're in that aisle.
Old Man: Ah-hah.
(A few minutes later)
Old Man: I am looking where you told me to look and I just can't seem to find any birthday cards. Where are they?
Me: All throughout the aisle, but most of them are in the second aisle, middle section, on the right. That is the section with the sign that says "birthday."
Old Man: Allright, I will try again.
(20 minutes later, old man is checking out.)
Me: Did you find what you wanted?
Old Man: Well, I suppose this will do. But I really wanted to get an early start on Valentine's Day!