Apr 15, 2007 21:48
well, yikes: i've been working intensely the last few days in getting an exam put together for my 20th century music theory class at UW tomorrow. In corresponding with my friend Jessica about it*, she commented that my list of examples looked really cool, and then she commented that there weren't any women on it.
I am now officially embarrassed - partly because i didn't include any women composers in the exam, and partly because i *didn't even notice* that i hadn't included any. I mean, yes - in a rush, the first things which leap off the CD shelves and book-stacks at me are likely to be written by men, and it doesn't help that my brain thinks of composers' names more as stylistic tags (like record labels) and less as *people's* names. But still - dorkitude. It's not like I can't name a pile of women composers - Linda Smith, Ruth Crawford Seeger, Sofia Gubaidulina, Meredith Monk, Janice Giteck, Lois Vierk, Julia Wolfe, Annie Gosfield, Joan Tower, Violet Archer, Galina Ulstvolskya, Barbara Croal, Pauline Oliveros, Kaja Saariaho, Kelly Marie Murphy, Alice Ho...
sigh. well, it's still a good exam, i think - but less good than it seemed a few minutes ago.
* Wesleyan composer friend in NYC Jessica, not cello-playing ex-girlfriend Jessica...