Doctor Who: Journey's End

Jul 05, 2008 16:45

Um, okay. Just finished Journey's End in pretty crappy quality but at least have watched it properly and will try to form some coherent thoughts about it, which are .

- Dalek Caan = awesome.
- My geeky self was thrilled to see all the companions in the TARDIS together, even if it was just for a tiny bit.
- Catherine Tate and David Tennant's acting. Tennant never gets a chance to exhibit his full range on the show and I was glad he did in this episode. As for CT, she is firmly one of my favorite companions ever, which makes what happened to her even more tragic.
- The last scene with Donna and her family was excellent, poignantly written and absolutely heartwrenching. Donna's casual reaction to the Doctor leaving = :(
- Mickey! "See ya, boss". :D
- The reference to Gwen and her relationship to Gwyneth.
- Looks like Martha might be on her way to Torchwood now that they're in need of a medic.

- The Daleks have completely lost their scare factor. They've been pretty overused in New Who and as of today I'm really hoping Moffat will bring in either some other classic monsters or have the creative team up with new ones. Judging from the Christmas special trailer though, looks like we have Cybermen. Kicking around in the snow.
- Rose and human!Doctor getting left in the parallel universe. I'm not sure what the real Doctor was thinking when he saw the two of them making out on the beach at Bad Wolf Bay. I also don't like the fact that RTD was basically inadvertently implying that all Rose really wanted after all was to settle down with the Doctor, have 2.5 children with house and white picket fence, etc, and now she can because the Doctor gave her a life-sized version of himself to do as she pleases.
- The TARDIS towing the Earth back home, with massive obligatory celebrating sequence with BBC News clip, fireworks, etc.
- The entire episode could've been described as a fairly cop-out way of tying up the loose ends to all of the companions we've seen in New Who, and some of them certainly not in a very satisfactory manner.

I can't emphasize enough how tragic and depressed I am about Donna's fate. She brought a refreshing new take on a female companion who truly was her own character through and through, without having to be defined in any way by falling in love with the Doctor and so on (though ironically literally being "defined" by the Doctor in her taking up his mind was what led to her awful ending). I'm interested to see whether or not and who they'll cast as the new companion. A male one for once might be nice.

All in all, a pretty solid series of Doctor Who. I do think that Russell T Davies has had his time and I'm looking forward to seeing what Steve Moffat is going to bring. I also get the feeling, blasphemous as this is, that it might be time for a new Doctor - I'm sensing that a regeneration might be happening some time in the 2010 specials, as I'm sure David Tennant might want to get on with something else.

Going to go mull on this a bit more. Update on RL and the 4th later.


doctor who

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