Fic: Family Business (Private Practice)

Jan 04, 2009 14:06

Title: Family Business
Author: jas_mien
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character: all characters, no pairing in particular, yet
Summary: Addison’s brother shows up in L.A. and diggs up some past and some family backround and drama

Kevin and Addison entered Amy's room. Archer looked at them and stood up.

“I need to use the restroom, just didn't want to leave her alone.”

Addison nodded and sat down next to the bed.

“Hey Amy?”

Amy didn't look at her sister and continued to stare out of the window.

“Amy? This is Kevin he's a cop.”

Amy's eyes moved to look at Kevin. Her voice was low when she started talking.

“A cop? Am I in trouble?”

Addison smiled at her.

“No honey. He's also my ...he's my boyfriend.”

“Oh, okay. “

Amy went silent again. Addison looked at her with worried eyes. She then looked at Kevin and nodded toward the door. Kevin understood and left the room.

“Amy? What it is?”

Addison was always the only one to sense when something was wrong with her little sister. Right now, she knew something bothered her.

Amy's eyes filled with tears as she looked at Addison.

“What happened with me?”

Addison felt her heart break at the sight of Amy lying there. She had to swallow and fighting back tears as she took her sister's hand and held it tight. Addison got up from her chair and sat close to Amy on her bed.

“You sure you can't remember anything that happened? About getting into a person's car?”

“I had this dream...” Amy sobbed.

Addison frowned. “A dream?”

Amy nodded and looked out of the window again. Addison was curious about said dream but she knew that pushing her into talking about it would not help. No, it might even make things worse.

Amy inhaled.

“I can't remember everything.” She started. “But I was in a car with this guy. I think his name was Martin or.... Matthew ...or something like that. We were driving close to the ocean, at least I could see water and the horizon and the sun was so bright.”

“Can you describe him?” Addison asked, hope audible in her voice.

Amy shook her head and turned her gaze to look at Addison.

“No, it's all so blurry. And it was just a dream.”

Addison swallowed hard and squeezed Amy's hand that she was still holding in her own.

“ wasn't.”

“What do you mean?”

“Maybe this dream is your memories coming back.”

Amy nodded. “You think so?”

Addison shrugged. She couldn't tell her the truth. Not now.

“Was there anything else in your dream? Anything that happened?”

Amy's gaze went back to the window. Her voice grew lower.

“He pulled me out of the car, somewhere ...”

She couldn't go on. Her entire body started to shake and Addison put her arms around her little sister and comforted her.

“Addie.... what happened to me?” Amy asked between sobs.


Violet was folding the letter and stuffed it into an envelope. She went to her desk and took a pen, then she inhaled deeply and wrote “Amy” on it. She was just about to grab her purse when Cooper entered her office after his last appointment for the day was gone.

“So, you and Sam are going out for drinks tonight?”

Violet's eyes widened. “Shoot, I totally forgot about that.”

Cooper smirked at her. “Well, so did Sam. He just left.”

Violet nodded absent-minded. “Okay.”

Cooper took a step toward her. “What's going on with you today, Vi? Ever since Pete told us about Addison's sister you're acting strange.”

Violet threw him a stern look. “I'm not.”

“Okay.” Cooper held up his hand. “You know you can tell me, right?”

“C'mon let's go home.” Violet grabbed her purse and pulled on her jacket.

Cooper followed her like a puppy that had been kicked by his owner.


At the front desk Naomi and Dell were waiting for the elevator.

“So, I heard you have a date tonight?” Dell looked at Naomi.

“Where did you hear that?”


Naomi shook her head. “I told him I had plans, I never said it was a date.”

“So then it's not a date?”

Naomi turned her head and gave Dell a look that made pretty clear he overstepped the boundaries here.

“I canceled anyway. All this with Amy just... she doesn't even remember what happened to her.”

“She doesn't remember?” Violet and Cooper were now standing behind them ready to leave the office. Violet's eyes widened in shock.

Naomi shook her head, unable to say something.


Tuesday 7:00 AM

Addison and Archer had spent the night in the hospital. Archer had just stepped out to grab some coffee. Addison was lying on the side of the bed and had her arms around her sister.

Amy stirred in her sleep and woke Addison up. She could see in her sister's face that she was dreaming and it didn't look like a good dream.

Martin dragged her out of the car and pulled her along the dirt road until he reached a place with some shrubs. He pulled her behind them and pushed her to the ground. The impact made Amy lose control and her head hit the stones. She could see the blue sky and remembered the nice day; it wasn't any longer. All of a sudden Martin's face filled her field of vision. He was over her and she could see the longing in his eyes. She wanted to scream but he put his hand over her mouth and laughed at her. 'No one can hear you here anyways.' She tried to come free and lashed about. But that only made him angry and he took a stone and hit her in the stomach several times. It took her breath away and she gasped. 'Its so much more enjoyable when you don't try to fight me.' Her vision was blurry because his hand was still on her mouth and she didn't get enough air. Amy felt tears running down her cheeks when he started to fumble at her cloth. She closed her eyes and only hoped it would be over soon.

She heard him get up as he closed his belt-buckle. She was too scared to open her eyes. He kicked her into her side and walked away. The car door opened and closed. The ignition was turned on and the car drove away. Amy opened her eyes again. The blue sky was back, the sun burning down on her. She was left alone in the middle of nowhere.

Amy woke up gasping for air. Addison was right by her side and hugged her even tighter.

“Amy what's wrong?” Addison gave her a concerned look.

“He....he” Tears started to run down Amy's cheeks and she was still trembling.

“Shh.” Addison stroked her sisters arm.

“He...Addie?” Amy swallowed hard and inhaled deeply.

“Addie did he... he raped me, didn't he?”

Addison's eyes wandered to her hand that still lay on Amy's arm.

Almost not noticeable she nodded.

Amy leaned back into her pillow and starred at the ceiling.


Kevin had left the night before and was now on his way back to the hospital. He got the day off and wanted to be with Addison. In the hallway in front of Amy's room he ran into Archer.

“Hey Kevin, right?” Archer gave him a tired look.

“Yeah.” Kevin held out his hand when he realized Archer had a cup of coffee in each of his hands.

“Sorry man.” Archer smiled.

“No problem.” Kevin shrugged and put his hand into his pocket.

“So, we didn't really have time to talk yesterday. You understand that I want to know some more about the guy who's dating my sister.”

Kevin noticed that this was not meant to be a question for him to answer.

Archer smirked at him. “So, what about the two of us having lunch together?”

“Sure, why not.” Kevin nodded with not much of a chance to say something else.

Together they entered Amy's room.

Archer was the first to sense that something had happened in the time he was out. Amy was even paler than the day before and she didn't even look at the door when they came in. He placed the cups on the table and looked at Addison.

“What happened?”

“She knows.” Addison mouthed.

Archer exhaled while Kevin went to Addison and kissed her on the forehead. She looked up into his eyes and he could see how tired she was and that she'd been crying.

Kevin opened his mouth to asked Amy if she could describe the guy, when Addison grabbed his hand. He looked down at her questioningly.
Addison looked up at him and shook her head.
"Give her time."


fic: family business, stories

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