(no subject)

Feb 25, 2010 10:41


I really have to force myself away from the net for the next time.
So much stuff to do.

+ have another teaching visitation tomorrow
+ have to prepare a two hours presentation for the next two Thursdays
+ have to prepare a presentation for next Thursday evening, where I invited the parents of Year 8 for an info evening about my thesis (a penfriend project with South Africa) which their kids are involved in
+ am writing the "Vergleichsarbeit" in English with Year 8. It's an exam that's writting in every year 8 all over Germany next Tuesday. Have to correct like 30 pages each exam and even get rules and a deadline for it.
+ have to start writing my thesis next Thusday

No idea how long this hiatus is going to be but I hope I'll be back here before I leave for India in 3 weeks ;)


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