Fic: Coming Home (Private Practice/ Grey's Anatomy)

Oct 15, 2009 22:48

Title: Coming Home

Author: jas_mien
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character: AddekSummary: What if there was more to Derek being absent, Addison sleeping with Mark and the divorce. What if a big drama caused all this to happend. And what happens when after 6 years they get the chance to be happy again?

After a moment of standing there Addison pulled out of Derek's hug and took a deep breath. She turned to the direction Lily had run and saw her sitting in the distance. She let out a relieved breath and turned back to Derek.

“We should call the police.”

Addison was on her way inside to get the phone.

Derek followed her unsure what to do.

“Are you sure that's a good idea?” He finally asked.

Addison frowned at his question.

“What do you mean? Our daughter was taken away from us years ago and now we finally know who did it. They need to be punished for this.”

Derek nodded.

“Yeah, you're probably right.”

“But?” Addison still new her ex- husband quite well.

“It's just....Lily would have to go through all of this again. I'm not sure she can handle it.”

Addison let her hand with the phone fall to her side. She hadn't thought of this.

“Okay.” Addison nodded.

“Let's go and get her in here.” Derek gave Addison a grateful look and Addison remembered the bond Derek and Lily used to have. They always understood each other without words.

Together they walked down to the beach and sat down on each side of their daughter.

Lily hugged her legs and had her head placed on her knees.

“They pretended I was their daughter.” She whispered.

“It was so weird at first. They brought me to school and said my name was Lily Henderson. I was too scared to say anything.”

Addison moved closer to her daughter and put her arm around her shoulders.

“Did they threaten you? Or harm you in any way?”

Derek looked at her swallowing back tears.

Lily shook her head.

“I can't really remember the first years. At some point I just stayed with them. It was like I stopped thinking.”

Addison could feel Lily shiver under her touch.

“Hey, let's go inside.”

Lily nodded and Derek held out his hand to pull her up.

Back inside, they sat down in the living room area and Addison got them some tea.

Noone really knew what to say and it was quiet for a moment. In her head Addison contemplated how to address the issue. She didn't want to hurt Lily or scare her away but she also knew that only a professional could help her to deal with the last six years.

“Lily?.....I...I would like you to talk to a friend of mine. She's a therapist and I think it would be good for you to talk to her.”

“You want me to talk to a shrink?” Lily said in a weak voice.

Derek who sat next to Lily grabbed her hand and looked her in the eyes.

“You had some rough years. It would help you to talk about what happened.”

Lily nodded.


Addison was a little relieved though she didn't know if Lily understood their reasoning or just wanted to please her parents.


When they went to bed this day Addison slept in her bedroom while Derek stayed on the couch in the living room.

Addison tossed and turned for hours and finally decided to go downstairs and get a class of water. When she walked down the stairs she could see the room illuminated. Derek sat at the counter with a mug standing in front of him, his head buried in his hands.

“Hey.” Addison whispered.

Derek turned and she could see that he had been crying.

“Aww.” Addison put her hand on his shoulder. “Did you turn into a softy?”

“We have her back.” Derek looked at her.

Addison nodded and sat down next to him.

“Honey milk?” She asked pointing at the mug.

Derek nodded.

“Couldn't sleep.”

“Yeah, me either.”

They sat in silence for a few minutes.



“Would you....would you come upstairs with me?”

Derek gave her a tired look and nodded.

He stood up and pulled Addison off her chair.

Addison wasn't prepared for this and landed in his arms.

“I'm sorry.” She said, looking into Derek's eyes.

Derek looked back at her and he remembered all those times they had stood like this. He remembered her blue eyes that could always catch his and wouldn't let him go.

He pulled Addison closer and pressed his hand on the small of her back. Their faces moved closer until Addison could feel his breath on her lips. Their lips touched softly and Addison closed her eyes and got lost in the moment. Derek pressed her closer and put his other hand on the back of her head to steady them. The first soft touch of their lips turned into a passionate kiss and Derek's right hand wandered under Addison shirt. He could feel the heat rising in his body when he felt her warm skin. Derek's hand moved over her side and to her stomach. Their lips were still connected and he heard Addison moan into his mouth. He moved his hand over her stomach and up to her breasts. Addison felt her knees go weak. Derek moved them over to the couch, lay Addison down and moved on top of her. He pushed away her hair and started kissing her neck. Addison's breathing was heavy and she could see the same longing she felt in Derek's eyes. Derek looked at her questioning and Addison gave a weak nod.

“What about Meredith?” She exhaled.

Derek moved his hand under her shirt again.

“She's not family.”

This was enough for both of them to surrender to their feelings.


The next day, Lily had an appointment with Violet. She walked into her office while Derek and Addison stayed in the kitchen. Both were very nervous what Violet would find out.

“Hey Lily.”


“I want you to know that I'm not here to force you to say something. I will just ask you some questions that might help you to remember what happened the first years.”

Lily nodded before she said:

“That's not really necessary.”

Violet frowned.

“Your parents said you can't remember what happened to you in the first years. Don't you want to remember?”

“I...I couldn't tell them.”

Lily kneaded her hands in her lap and looked down at them.

“I didn't want to hurt them.”

Violet sat down next to Lily and took her hands.

Lily looked up at her and Violet was taken aback by all the pain visible in her eyes.

Lily pulled up her sleeves and Violet could see dark scars around her wrists.

“They kept me in their basement.”

Outside of Violet's office, Addison excused herself from the kitchen and walked into her office. She carefully closed the door and walked over to her desk.

Addison took a deep breath and took the phone. Her heart began to hammer against her chest when she dialed the once so familiar number.

“Kevin? I need your help.”

fic: coming home, stories

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