Fic: Family Business (Private Practice)

Jun 29, 2009 11:35

Title: Family Business
Author: jas_mien
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character: all characters, HotCop in later chaptersSummary: Addison’s brother shows up in L.A. and diggs up some past and some family backround and drama

The next morning Addison woke up and felt Kevin's arm across her waist, his hand lying on her stomach. When she felt the morning sickness rising she quickly took his arm and stood up. Addison rushed into the bathroom and knelt down in front of the toilet. A few seconds later she heard footsteps behind her and Kevin entered the bathroom, knelt down behind her and stroked circles on her back. Addison took some deep breaths and leaned into Kevin. He put his arms around her.

“Ugh, this is what I hate about being pregnant. The morning sickness.”

Addison complained.

Kevin pulled a strand of hair out of her face.

“It's gonna be over soon. You wanna go back to bed?”

Addison nodded and Kevin helped her to get up from the floor.

They were just lying back down when the bell at the front door rang.

“Ugh, who is disturbing this early in the morning.”

Addison pulled the covers over her head.

“I'm going.”

Kevin jumped out of bed and went downstairs.

When he opened the door he found a familiar face standing in front of him.

“Hey Kevin.”

“Archer? What are you doing back here?”

On a closer look Kevin noticed how tired and sad Archer looked. Almost like he hadn't slept for days.

Kevin ushered Archer into the kitchen area.

“What happened? You look like crap.”

Archer went over to the couch and sat down. His shoulders were slumped down and he was kneading his hands.

“Do you want me to get Addison?”

Kevin asked concerned.


Right at this moment Addison was coming down the stairs, curious because she had heard what seemed to be her brother's voice. Her heart clenched at the sight of Archer.

“What happened?...Archie?”

Archer took a deep breath.

“She's dead.” He whispered.

Addison frowned.


Archer didn't answer.

Addison walked closer to her brother.

“Archer? Who's dead?”

He looked up at her with blood-shot eyes.


Addison swallowed hard and sat down.

“What?” Her voice was barely audible.

Addison felt tears running down her cheeks. She would have never thought she would cry for this woman. Her mother. Who never wanted to be a mother. Who didn't care for her children or her family. All these emotions she felt right now took her by surprise. She always had the feeling Bizzy was immortal sometimes not even human.

“What happened?”

Archer straightened a little and looked at his sister.

“She was drunk again. Pretty bad. I hadn't seen her in this stage for a while. Dad left for good and she was devastated. She was a mess. Went outside in her night gown and took the car. She was looking for him.... She didn't see the truck coming.”

“Oh my God.” Addison buried her face in her hands.

“I was at work when they brought her to the hospital. They called me as the next of kin. To identify her. She didn't have an ID with her. They only thought it was her because of the car's license plate.”

Addison felt goosebumps running over her skin.

“Oh Archie.”

She sat down next to him and put her arm around his shoulders.


After Kevin had poured Archer and himself a coffee and Addison a tea, the three of them sat in silence for some time.

Archer drank a sip out of his mug.

“Congratulations, by the way.”

“Huh?” Addison looked at him confused.

Archer pointed at her hand.

“The ring.”

“Oh, right. Thanks.”

Addison forced a smile.

And then all of a sudden it hit her. She remembered her wedding day with Derek. All the bitching from Bizzy about him not being the right standard for a Forbes Montgomery. Bizzy literally complained about every tiny little detail of the wedding. When Addison went to bed last night she had imagined her wedding with Kevin. And of course her mother steaming through the whole ceremony. She was used to it, though, Now it would be ... quiet.

Kevin sat down next to her and put his hand on the small of her back.

“Hey, you okay?”

“Yeah, I was just...”

Addison was interrupted by the doorbell.

Kevin stood up and opened the door to find a familiar face for the second time this day.


Kevin was about to slam the door shut.

“Oh, I wouldn't do that.”

A foot appeared between the door and the frame.

“I have a court order here. Full custody for my daughter. I'm taking Amy home right now.”

When Addison heard her father's voice and realized the meaning of his words her heart sank.

This couldn't be happening. Not on a day like this.


Amy was woken up by the doorbell and felt a rush of happiness when she heard Archer's voice from downstairs. He was back! They were all together again. She went and sat down at her door. She was always curious and wanted to now why Archer had come back. She couldn't believe what she heard. Her mother should be dead? No, that couldn't be true. Amy pulled her knees to her chest and put her chin down on them. It became quiet downstairs and Amy could feel the tears pool in her eyes.

When the doorbell rang for a second time, Amy's gut told her this couldn't be any better news. And when she heard her father's voice, her feelings were confirmed. All of a sudden Amy felt a rage rising from her stomach to her chest and ran out of her room and downstairs. She almost flew down the stairs and crashed into her father. Her hands were balled into fists and she battered her father's chest.

“You killed her!”

“Oh shit.”
Addison exhaled and stood up.

Archer stood up at the same time and gestured for Addison to sit down again. It was too dangerous for her to get into this fight.

Kevin already tried to get hold of Amy but wasn't very successful. But on the other hand he didn't try really hard. He could understand Amy's hate toward her father and was close to doing the same thing to him.

“You murderer!”

Amy was still yelling.

Archer moved closer and grabbed Amy. He pulled her close and kept his arms around her upper body so that she couldn't hit their father anymore. He didn't control her legs though. And in the next moment Amy kicked her father right at the knee.

He flinched.

“What is wrong with you? She never wanted you in the first place. She never loved you. “

“But she was still my mother.”

Amy yelled, still in rage.

Caleb Montgomery put the court order on the counter and left the house.

Archer pulled Amy closer to his chest.

“She was still my mother.”

Amy weeped, this time really quiet.

fic: family business, stories

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