Family Business (Private Practice)

May 16, 2009 19:49

Title: Family Business
Author: jas_mien
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character: all characters, HotCop in later chaptersSummary: Addison’s brother shows up in L.A. and diggs up some past and some family backround and drama

After a sleepless night Amy was up early in the morning. She went downstairs to take Oscar for a walk. On the kitchen counter Amy found some university pamphlets which informed about studying photography. She took them and left the house with Oscar.

Upstairs, Addison heard the front door close. She was just leaving the bathroom, morning sickness overwhelming her once again. She grabbed her bathrobe and went into the kitchen to get some water. Addison noticed that the pamphlets, which she had placed on the counter yesterday were gone and a smile formed on her lips. It was a good sign that Amy had taken them. It meant she was actually thinking about her future. And that meant she believed she had a future at all. Addison felt a weight being lifted off her.

Amy had walked for a while when she sat down on a bench close to the water. She folded open the pamphlets and started to read. It all sounded really promising and Amy felt a tickle of excitement in her stomach. This had always been her dream. But then she thought about her dad who was convinced to take her back to the east coast and her gaze fell onto her arm where her long sleeve had shifted and was now exposing her skin with the number of cuts from the previous day. Amy could only stare at them and remembered the positive feeling she had felt at that moment. Could she stop it that easily and go back to the happy life? The pamphlets slipped out of her hands and she let her head fall into her lap. Oscar came back from the water and put his head close to hers while Amy was shaken by sobs.


At Addison's house Kevin got up and walked downstairs. He stepped behind Addison and put his arms around her, his hands resting on her stomach. Addison leaned against him and turned her head to the side to kiss him.

“Mhh ... good morning.”

“Morning. How are you feeling today?”

“Pretty good actually. Morning sickness is just wearing off.”

“No dizziness?”

Addison shook her head.

“No. Don't worry so much, Kev. We're alright. I'm the doctor here, remember?”

Kevin nodded and smiled at her.

“Okay, Doctor Montgomery, if you say so.”

Addison got out of his embrace.

“I have to get ready for work. What about you?”

Kevin smirked at her.

“I'm off today.”
“Really? What are you going to do with all your free time today?”

“I already have something planned.”

Addison frowned.

“Okay then. Can you make sure Amy is alright for today?”

“Sure. I was planning to include her anyways.”

Addison raised an eyebrow.

“Why do I have the feeling that you two have some secrets lately?”

“Maybe it's the hormones?”

Kevin teased.

Addison slapped him on the upper arm and walked upstairs.


Addison had already left for work when Amy came back from her walk with the dog. Kevin was waiting for her in the kitchen.

“Hey, you want to have breakfast?”

Amy shook her head and looked at the floor.

“No, I'm not really hungry.”

Kevin could see her red eyes and suspected her to have been crying. He didn't say anything, though. Amy would start talking if she felt like it.

“At least drink some orange juice.”

Kevin poured some juice in a glass and placed it on the counter in front of the chair meant for Amy. Amy sat down while Oscar went straight to his bowls.

Kevin took a sip of coffee.

“So... today is the day.”

Amy looked up, her eyes wide.


Kevin nodded.

“Yeah, I don't want to wait any longer.”


“At the beach.”

A smile spread over Amy's face.

“Too cheesy?”

Kevin asked insecurely.

“No. She's gonna love it.”


Kevin exhaled.

“I hope you can help me with it.”

Amy frowned.

“Sure. What do you want me to do?”

“Can I drop you at the practice later and you make sure Addie doesn't come home before eight?”

Amy thought about it for a moment and then nodded.



Kevin smiled at her and she could see the excitement in his eyes. Amy didn't want to disappoint him. Not today anyways.


A few hours later Amy got ready to leave for the practice. She made sure her sleeves were rolled down. This was dangerous, being in a place with many doctors. They would notice so quickly. Amy was just in the bathroom when she heard Kevin calling from downstairs.

“Are you ready to go?”

“One minute, I'll be right down.”

Amy called downstairs. She hurried and washed her hands while looking into the mirror. In the mirror Amy saw the razor blades on the shelf on the other side of the room. She turned around and hesitated.


Kevin called again.

Amy grabbed one of the packed blades and put it into her pocket then she left the bathroom and walked downstairs.

At the practice, Addison was quite surprised to see her little sister in the lobby.

“Hey Amy. What are you doing here? I thought Kevin had plans for you two.”

“He had to go in after all and didn't want me to stay home alone.”

Addison nodded.

“Okay, that's good. Let me just call him.”

“Ahh... no.. he's....he has a top secret thing at work and had to switch off is cell.”

Amy took a deep breath, oh she was such a bad liar.

Addison put her phone back down.

“Okay that makes sense. Good. next patient should be here in a few minutes.”

“That's okay, I just wait outside.”

“You sure?”

Amy nodded and Addison led her out of the office, her hand on Amy's back.

“There are some magazines in the waiting area. Maybe you find something interesting.”

Amy nodded.


Addison went back to her office where her next patient was already waiting.

After half an hour, Amy couldn't stand it anymore. She was reading through the pages of a magazine she hadn't really paid attention the name was and didn't read a word in there. Her mind was racing and snippets from yesterdays incident with her dad were blending in.

“It's the best for her when she goes to a good college and studies medicine.”

“Think about it dad, have you ever seen her happy?”

“I will take her home. Period.”

“If you take her home now she won't survive this.”

“I will be back.”

Amy jumped up and the magazine flew to the ground. She ran along the hallway and stormed into the next closet.

When Dell came back to the counter he saw the magazine Amy had been reading on the floor and looked around the lobby for her. He couldn't see her anywhere and walked towards the kitchen, maybe she was getting something to drink? When Dell passed the closet he heard silent sobbing. Dell went closer and knocked at the door.

“Amy? Are you in there?”

When no one answered he opened the door and gasped.

Amy was sitting on a box, blood streaming from her left arm.

“Amy, what are you doing?”

Amy was too shocked that someone actually saw her in this state, that she couldn't hide her arm or the blade for that matter. All she felt were the tears running down her cheeks and the blood streaming down from her arm.

“Don't tell anyone.”

Amy whispered.

“Please, Dell.”

Dell swallowed, unsure what to do.

“Give me the blade, Amy.”

His voice was soft but strong.

Amy's hand was shaking when she handed him the blade.


Amy whispered again.

Dell took a deep breath.

“Okay. But only if you promise me something.”

Amy swallowed hard and nodded.

“Okay, what?”

“Don't ever do this again.”

Amy stared down at her hands, not moving.


Dell could see a small nod before Amy lifted her head and looked at him with her teary eyes.

“I promise.”

“Good. Come, we have to put something on the cuts.”


Addison and Amy arrived home shortly after eight. Kevin stood at the door and took Addison's hand right away. Amy nodded at him stayed behind.

Kevin led Addison out on the deck and together they walked to the beach.

“Kevin? What's going on?”

“You'll see in a few minutes.”

In the distance Addison could now see something that resembled a table and two chairs. As they came closer she could also make out candles and roses on the table. Only now did Addison notice that there was no single breeze so that the candles actually stayed on. Rose pedals where all over the sand where the table and the chairs stood.

Addison felt her heartbeat quicken.


Kevin didn't say anything and just pulled her further.

As they arrived at the beautiful sight, Kevin led Addison to one of the chairs and gestured for her to sit down.

Addison did as she was told.

Kevin walked over to the other side of the table and took a little box from his chair. He then went back and knelt down in front of Addison.

Addison gasped.

Kevin opened the box and revealed a sparkling ring. The most beautiful ring Addison had ever seen.

“Addison Forbes Montgomery. I remember the first time we met. How caring you were with your patients and how bright your eyes sparkled when you held the newborn baby. When you came to the station to see me I felt like fainting because you are the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Ever since I feel like the luckiest man on earth waking up next to you every morning. I can't imagine my life without you anymore and I want to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of my life. I want us to be a family, with children and grandchildren. I want us to live happily ever after. Addison Forbes Montgomery. Will you marry me?”

Addison had tears in her eyes and goosebumps all over her body.

“Yes! Kevin. Yes.”

Kevin put the ring on Addison's finger and Addison threw herself into his arms. Kevin picked her up and spun her around.

The sun had set and the horizon turned red when Amy was watching from the deck. She saw how Kevin spun Addie around, put her back down and kissed her passionately. Amy was sitting on a chair holding her left arm in her right hand and saw the blood coming through her sleeve.

fic: family business, stories

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