Fic: Family Business (Private Practice)

Feb 03, 2009 14:39

Title: Family Business
Author: jas_mien
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character: all characters, no pairing in particular, yet
Summary: Addison’s brother shows up in L.A. and diggs up some past and some family backround and drama
Archer sat down next Addison and placed his mug on the side table next to the couch. He put his hands in his lap and stared at them.

“I wasn't sure about it. I mean ... I suspected it ... but ... maybe I just didn't want to notice it.”

Addison nodded.

“Like last time.”

She looked out at the deck.

“Does Amy know?”

Archer shrugged.

“I guess so. That's probably why she hasn't been home for the weekends lately.”

Addison gave him a questioning look.

“I wanted to meet up with her last month and called Dad on a Saturday. He told me she hadn't been home for the last months.”

Archer explained.

Addison let her head fall into her hands.

“I can't believe this is starting all over again.”

Archer looked at Amy who was sitting with her back to them.

“Do you think we can fix it again this time?”

Addison turned her head.

“I'm not sure I want to fix it this time. Maybe it's easier this way. For all of us.”

She too was looking at her little sister now.

Archer leaned back into the couch and sighed.

“Yeah, maybe you're right.”

For a moment no one said anything. Both were lost in their thoughts, the only noise audible the waves breaking on the beach.

Suddenly the front door was opened.

Archer looked at Addison.

“He has a key?”

Addison slapped him on his upper arm.

“Shut up.”

Kevin entered the living room and looked around. He found Addie and Archer sitting on the couch and was just about to ask them where Amy was, when his view moved to the deck and his eyes focused on Amy sitting in a chair and staring out onto the sea.

“You should get her inside, it's starting to drizzle.”

Archer got up from the couch and walked toward Kevin. He hesitated but then put forth his hand.

“Thank you.”

Kevin nodded and shook Archer's hand.

“No problem.”

“Okay, I'm going to get her inside.”

Archer stepped out onto the deck.

Kevin went to the couch and sat down next to Addison. He could see how exhausted she was and just pulled her into a hug.

On the deck, Archer squatted down next to Amy's chair and put his right hand over her left on the armrest. He saw her pushing a sheet of paper into her right pocket.

“What's that?”

Amy pulled her hand away.

“A letter from ... a friend.”


Archer got back up.

“C'mon, let's get you back inside, it's starting to rain. And the last thing you need right now is pneumonia.”

Amy nodded and stood up. Together they walked back inside.

Amy walked through the living room and only stopped at the bottom of the stairs. She turned and looked at Kevin who was still embracing her sister.

He looked back at her and their eyes locked.

“Thank you for ... everything.”

She was about to say 'for saving my life' but should the two people she loved the most really find out that this guy tried to kill her today? They already worried about enough.

Kevin smiled at her.


Amy took the first step of the stairs.

“I'm tired. I'm going to bed now.

Addison turned out of Kevin's hug and walked over to her sister. Although Amy was now standing on a step she was still smaller than Addison.

Addison stood in front of her, her hands on Amy's upper arms.

“Take a shirt out of my closet. We'll buy you some new clothes tomorrow.”

Amy nodded.

Addison pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear.

“If you need me tonight, just say it or come and get me, okay. I won't be sleeping too tight.”

Amy nodded against her chest. Fighting back tears.

She appreciated the offer but she didn't want to be a burden to her sister.

Amy was the first pulling out of the hug.

“Good night, Addie.”

“Night sweety, I love you.”

Amy swallowed.

“I love you, too.”

Then she turned and walked up the stairs, the first tears rolling down her cheeks.

Archer stood a little awkwardly in the middle of the living room, when Addison returned to Kevin on the couch.

He pointed up the stairs.

“I'm going to check on her and then call it a day, too. T'was a pretty long one. Night you two.”

Addie gave him a thankful smile. She knew he wasn't too tired yet.

When Archer got upstairs and opened the door to Amy's room, he could see her already under the covers in the dark.

“Night kiddo.”

“Night Archer.” He could hear her answer in a faint voice.


Downstairs, Addison snuggled closer to Kevin. He put his arms around her and kissed her on top of the head.

“She'll be okay. But that's not all you're worrying about, isn't it?”

Addison looked up into his eyes and nodded.

“I called my parents to let them know Amy was staying with me.”

Kevin stroked her arm.

“That didn't turn out well?”

“My mum was on the phone, Bizzy, she actually never let us call her Mum. She didn't even notice Amy was gone.”

Kevin frowned.

“How's that possible?”

Addison shrugged.

“Amy hasn't been home a lot lately. Bizzy is a drunk. She's been back and forth between being sober and drinking again. But for the last ten years she's been sober.”

Kevin pulled her closer.

“I'm sorry.”

“Last time she relapsed our dad was very close to divorce her. The lawyer had all the papers filled out already, but Archer and I could convince him not to sign them. For Amy's sake. She was only six at that time.”

Kevin sighted.

Addison took his hand into her's and stroked his knuckles with her thumb.

“I guess now that dad didn't even tell Bizzy that he threw Amy out they're pretty close to that point again.”

“Why did he throw out his own daughter?”

“You have to understand that there is only one thing that is important to my father. His reputation. If you could be doing something that would put him in a not so bright light, he breaks with you. Archer and I were lucky. Being doctors was always highly improved by him. But Amy is different. She's always been more the artistic type.”

Kevin shook his head.


“I don't want to think about this anymore right now. Can't you do anything to distract me?”

Kevin took her face in both of his hands and leaned closer.

Their lips almost touched, when he stopped.

“What about this?”

Addison could feel his warm breath on her lips.

“Mhh, that's a good idea.”

Both leaned closer into a passionate kiss.

fic: family business, stories

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