A plee for help in the dark

Dec 03, 2005 01:39

Ok I am going to lay it all out and perhaps one of you few people who actually read this journal might have an answer.

I can not take living with Vic anymore, things are getting beyond a joke now, here is a coppy of a transcript from a chat with another friend on YIM.

We went shopping, and before we went in I was chatting to a whole heaps of friends, some from Church (that she knows too) and some photography people, and she walks off and leaves the card in the machine. so when we get to the check out, there is no card to pay for anything.

She refuses to interact with anyone, even the person that she knows, she hides herself away in the bed room and even locks the door, this is some relationship I am in, I think it's time I found another adress, didn't get any money out, and of course it's been thundering and lightning (she says she's not scared but one rumble and shes tearing my arm off to hide her). She is so scatter brained that I really don't know how she gets through anything at all. She forgets me telling her things even after we have had a full discussion about it, what can I do??? I am at my wits end here. And if I have a heated discussion she says that I am yelling at her (which I am not, but I am speaking louder I will admit that) and she makes me out to be a woman basher and calls me a bully, wtf, like I said, I think it's time I found a new address. Her family don't like me and I know from previous dealings that if that is the case then the relationship is doomed. My family like her but lately she's really pissed them off. When any thing ghappens here between us, she jumps on the phone and calls my dad, he's sick of it.

She's still playing on the "I have a sore leg" routine, the accident was nearly five months ago, the bones have healed, she is just playing on it, the doctor told her that too.

She's got no idea how to handle money, she used to blame me for the money going before, but now I see it is her, I watch every penny these days and we are still coming up short because of her. She forgets to pay bills, she forgets everything, and I am the one that gets yelled at by her when things go wrong. I am sick of fighting for every scrap of food in the house. She says to me tonight that she wants to re-finance the house, we have just done that, we were doing ok, but she's blown it all out, I am at a loss as to what to do, she's getting medication she doesn't need and this is turning her into a moron, anti-depressants are not a solution, she should know this.


Since she started walking again, her medical bill has quadrupled, she is getting more and more pills that she doesn't need, she is becoming a hypercondriact and I can't take it. one sniffle and she's off to the doctors to get anti-biotics for a cold that might never come, seriously, I have a cure for her, 1 gram of lead- rapidly injected!

I have been made to fill out all my forms so that if anything happens to me, she gets 25% of my money (the other 75% being split up between all three of my kids- one of which- the boy- she still refuses to recognise). Yet if anything happens to her, I get diddley squat, she has decided to give it all to her Nephew that she never sees, somethings not right there!


So,you still alive or have I bored you to death? Sorry to lay it all on you, but I feel that I am loosing my mind here!

Can any of you sugest something before it is too late? She doesn't like me being on the computer, even to talk to my kids, yet it's ok for her to spend days playing games on it, The Xbox is worse! I am just going nuts here, I really don't know what to do, She won't go near anyone of my friends when I am chatting to them yet I am not allowed near any of her friends even when she is spending all night with them and I need to ask her a very important question.

I am really sorry to say, but I think this realtionship is dead now, we really have nothing in common anymore we've got nothing left.

I am about to go to sleep, in the spare room in one of the beds my girls use when they are here.
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