Sep 29, 2010 23:54
Every now and again I am hit with a question or idea with which my feelings can not be properly conveyed through a one sentence facebook post; the most prevalent of which is this idea of "the end." Now, there are a couple of different ends that pop in to my head and get me thinking, such as what is at the end of human, or my, life. I assume there will be dirt and worms and such but what else lies at the end? I am not a religious person by any means but nor do I claim myself to be an athiest. I feel like there is some sort of compelling force in the nether or beyond but I refuse to give it a label or a name; it just is. However, where does my tiny little existence fit into this gigantic universe of ours? Yes my life as I know it will some day come to an end, but to think that physical death is the end-all of my existence, well, for some reason a refuse to accept it. I don't want to seem so entitled as to think my essence has more important things to live for then to just stick itself in the ground and stay there for eternity, but I can't help but wonder what lies beyond the finale of life. Furthermore what is at another huge end; the end of the universe. What lies at the farthest and vastest parts of the galaxy; is there even an end? To think about the grand scope of the universe and where little old humanity, or myself, fit into it is not only profoundly interesting but rather frightening. These are the kinds of questions that keep me up at night, and these are the questions I try to get myself to deal with because the emotion and utter fear that it conjures up in me simply cannot be ignored. For if these ideas bring forth such feelings in me that can only mean that there is importance and depth to them.
end random post.