So, the girl, who from here one will be referred to by her name, which is Samantha, is rather messed up. But this however is under no fault of her own.
As some of you may or may have not have known, her mother has since also gotten a job with the two of us at ye olde Cheddars. That was kinda weird for me, and I thought initially her mother would end up being just another member of Samantha's rah-rah fuck-up Jarrad's day group. This thought left my mind today however. I sat down in the rear of the resturant, to eat by myself today between shifts, as I usually do, as I prefer just being alone for the most part anymore. (and a quick apology to
citen549, I think i was a little standoffish when you came in, and I'm sorry) Anyways, back to the point. As I finished eating, I just sat there, alone at the table, thinking. Not about anything specifically, although my most recent situation seems to revolve around my shallow mind the majority of the time. Her mother comes around the corner with her own lunch. My initial reaction is to get away, but she looks directly at me and says, "I guess I'll sit with you Jarrad."
So, I'm trapped. I don't want to be visibly rude, they are both still my co-workers, as well as The Asshole. (The Asshole used to be a really good friend)
And she asks me, "whats up? you depressed and down in the dumps today?" I reply a simple no, and tell her I'm just tired, and my inability to sleep the past few nights, which is mostly true.
And once again, we begin to talk about Samantha, which is weird, talking to her mother. But I think perhaps her mother even sees me for more of the mature man that I am than Samantha did, not to say however that I am even the slightest bit attracted to either of them. Although I find it hard to look Sam in the eyes. Its like looking into the eyes of someone who knows they are about to die. I saw the same look in my dogs eyes the last time I ever saw him. Like a part of her realizes that she's becoming exactly what she didn't want to be, and she's getting further and further away from the person she is. Her ex is someone I went to school with actually, and although he was a few years younger than me, I remember him. And quite simply he damn near ruined that poor girl.
Guys can sometimes be controlling, demanding, and jealous when it comes to women they care about, espically ones they deeply for. This guy carried that one step further. Burning pictures, cd's, posters, clothes. Anything of hers he didn't like, he destroyed. When she said something to him he didn't like, he hit her, or by force made her be quiet. And for three years she clung to him like it was the savior of her wasted life. She agreed to marry him, and still cries over him to this day, now 9 months after their seperation. I cannot say that I don't understand though, because God knows it took me far too long to overcome the void that the loss of Erin gave me. And I'm not saying that she will never overcome, but what he did to her as he left her, was fill her with doubt about herself, and now, she is in some sort of a rut that she feels she needs to prove something to someone. That maybe by her destroying herself, and herself image, she can finally hurt him as much as she hurts for him every day.
Her mother also relayed to me today the information that she overheard two people that were 'supposed to be her friends,' not to mention the exact people that told Sam last week that I had been talking mad shit about her, and caused the enormous shit fight that ensued between me and Samantha, talking about Samantha, in a less than respectable manner. I could do nothing but nod, and tell her, "I told Samantha, if she wanted to trust anyone she worked with, make it me, cause I never have lied, or had a reason to lie to her."
And just as I realized last week, there isn't a person I work with that would hesitate to walk all over you if it meant getting something they want.
I hope her mom tells her what she heard today, Maybe then that light will finally come on, that I'm not the enemy.