Nov 05, 2004 04:53
As a result of the previous election of which I am thoroughly depressed (George Bush is again in office, the Republicans have the Senate and the House of Representatives (and as well 11 states passed prejudicial law concerning the denial of honor to it's own citizens)) I am not (as many claim) going into Canada, Mexico, or whever. I'm not going to run from the horrid fact that this country is spiraling backwards in time to the days before human rights became honored.
I am going into politics to change this shit.
Whether this means simply being a political activist, or as I have truly considered, running for a form of office, I'm not sure.
Either way, shit's changing and this right-wing conservative agenda is going to be shown for what it is: an affront to peace, equality, love and dangerously intelligent use of propaganda on the public.
The past few months I've been surrounded by Christians of all accords. One thing I've come to realize is that a minor to single few truly realize the entirety to their religious teachings: Love.
Honestly, religious or not, that's a fucking good idea. If all your actions come from Love, you can do no true wrong.
However, this Republican bullshit movement has turned the fears of hell into fears of Democrats to send more money into the hands of the "have's." Perhaps this has been the case for years, in fact I'd be surprised if it wasn't.
What's worse, "more than half" the country accepted the corporate "leader" we call Mr. President who practices none of the beliefs of his own self proclaimed religion, yet received votes due to the acknowledgement. It's the blind leading the deaf. We all have seen the negativities that come from religion, however, in a leader shouldn't we only accept the good? We are fallable, but this does not mean we should expect less from one who takes the highest office of our culture.
"Love your enemies." - Jesus
That's so cool. (lil' King Missle referene for ya)
I see no love in murder. I see no love in theft of home, land and property. I see no honor to our own political foundations in the "forefathers" who taught also of respect, honor, love and social evolution.
I see only the destruction, de-evolution and carnage that comes with greed.
Shame on you George W. Bush, and shame on your kindred.
I may be drunk.. but I am going to help change things in this fucked up country.