Help me Make the Magic

May 10, 2012 08:38

Dear LJ-Family,

We have only 39 days until camp! This week, Camp Kesem Stanford is attempting a viral push with our online fundraising efforts. I am trying to raise $1000 - enough to send one camper to Camp Kesem for one week. Support comes in all sizes - anything you can give really will make a difference. And regardless of whether or not you can give yourself, please share the following link with your networks:

Camp Kesem is a FREE, student volunteer-run overnight summer camp for kids whose parents have or had cancer! A donation of ANY size makes a huge difference in the lives of families coping with cancer. Use the link below to Heather's personal fundraising page to learn more! 

I know it's not "polite" to do this here, but as the Camp Director, I feel it's my responsibility to do whatever I can. I'm not going to be offended or hurt in any way if you're not in a place to give, or if you don't feel comfortable sending the link to your friends. I just figure that especially in the month-long count-down to camp, it never hurts to ask.



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