Jul 30, 2004 20:46
My family all went to Six Flags today without me. Why you ask? Because I had to work. How long did I have to work for you ask? Oh, only 3 hours. So because of THREE HOURS I had to miss a whole day's trip to Six Flags. It was freaking ridiculous. I had to work drinks...on a Friday night, while only having done drinks once before. Lovely. It sucked. It's so stressful, and you never ever catch up. There is always more to be done. You might have a short break of drinks being called but you're out of ice and have to get more, you've created a huge mess that you need to clean up, the shake machine is outta shake mix, there's no more chocolate syrup, and you have to stock your cups and lids. Then, before you have a chance to fix all that stuff, more drinks are called...thus the reason I say that you never catch up. Unlike being at front cash. There you can just stand around and chat, go get a drink, draw pictures; much easier! All the while I was being stressed out at work, my family was enjoying a nice day at Six Flags. Blah! Oh, plus I get the great privilage of getting to work tomorrow, and the next day, and the next...etc.
Oh, Colin is outta town this weekend. Autumn is out of town this weekend. Amy is out of town this weekend. Britney is out of town for the next two weeks. I can not wait until August 11th when it will be my chance to be the one out of town. I desperatly want and need a vacation. I don't know how I'm going to survive the school year if I have a work schedule like I have these days. When will I do homework? When will I sleep? When will I have a social life? I have to tell them that as soon as Septemeber hits that I can no longer work Wednesday, because that's core group night, and I'm not going to quit going to those because of work. Plus, that will give me a consistent day off.
Well I hope you had fun reading all my complaints, and yes, I feel much better now that they're off my back. Now I'll go do something nice and relaxing. Hmm.. watch a movie? Read a book?