vidding sources masterlist

Jan 05, 2007 11:48

I've spent most of my morning reading how-to guides for Making Vids That Are More Badass Than the Badassest Badass Who Ever Badassed, and it's making me want to go hug Windows Movie Maker in all its often-crashing, crappy-quality-ness for at least, you know, being in ENGLISH and not requiring a PhD in NuclearAstrophysicPsychoFuckanautics just to figure out how to open a file.


It seems that I should start compiling a master list of all these psychotic helpful websites for my very, very, VERY distant future reference. And yours, if you want. Bookmarking this is more convenient than doing them individually. Also, please contribute to this list if you can/want. If you can give me information that affects my commentary, please do so! I want this big, people.

How-To Guides


--A&E's Technical Guides to All Things Audio and Video by ErMaC and absolut3destiny: This is pretty much the Bible of Vidding Technology. Prepare to be amazed. It can be a little overwhelming for a brand new vidder, but don't get bogged down. Start at the top and work your way down; it builds on itself. This has got to be the most advanced and comprehensive vidding resources out there. These guys know their shit. Color me impressed.

+Glossary of Terms
+Useful Software List
+Codec Guide
+What to do with DVD Footage Once You Have It
+Exporting with WMM2
+Common Troubleshooting
+Dealing With Aspect Ratios

-- A Newbie's Research: A&E's Technical Guide for Dummies (Like Me) by jarrow272: My own personal narrative on how to sort out all the technical terms and variables in A&E's guide.

-- Get Started Video Editing by xf_admins: A concise but handy list of recommended software for DVD ripping, capturing, file converting, and video editing for the enthusiastic newbie. Includes links to tutorials for WMM2.

--Making Great Titles and Graphics by laurashapiro: Tips about how to make simple but effective titles for your vid.

-- How to Remove the Corner Logo from DivX Vids: by sol_se: Easy steps on how to get that blasted distraction out of your vids.

--Mary's Vidding Help Guide by countessmary: List of other various how-to guides, particularly for ripping from DVD. A bit dated, but certainly helpful. Highlight: Helpful Vidding Programs

--Memories List of Vid Topics at vidding: Links to various inquisitive/helpful posts made in that community, sorted by topic.

Windows Movie Maker

--Windows Movie Makers: Tips, Tutorials, Forums, and More: The unofficial site of WMM2. The list of links on the left is great for how-to's within the program.

--Papa John and Windows Movie Maker: The resident expert on WMM2, including comprehensive troubleshooting guides, how to tackle codec problems, and more. A must-bookmark for anyone working with (or especially, having problems with) WMM2.

-- Tutorial: Adding New Transitions/Effects in WMM2 by _heckyes05: A step-by-step guide to adding some kickass new effects to WMM2, including split-screen!

Other Programs

-- Simple Tutorial for Using VirtualDub to Cut Clips by xf_admins: A step-by-step guide on how to use VirtualDub (or VirtualDubMod) to make smaller clips from a larger file.

-- Encoding with VirtualDub by astolat: How to get files out of DivX mode so you can work with them in Premiere.

-- Links to Ulead Tutorials: Scroll down to the comments for several different tutorials for Ulead VideoStudio v9 and 10.

-- Vidding with High Res Source using AviSynth in Premiere by astolat: Very thorough, easy to follow and understand, and helpful, though it's really only instructions on the one specific method she used for a particular vid. This blew me away.

--Masking in Adobe Premiere 6.0 by Sassy Kitten: A helpful step-by-step guide on how to mask in Premiere.

--Photoshop Techniques by vrya: A thorough, user-friendly guide on how to do some really cool stuff with images in Photoshop. Still images are often used in vids when working with Premiere.

Bits and Pieces


--AMVapp by ErMaC and absolut3destiny: A bundle of awesomeness. Everything to get you up and running when you're working with DVD footage, even ripping software. This package is specifically tailored for use with A&E's Technical Guides to All Things Audio and Video. They will not steer you wrong.

Includes: AMVapp Readme Files, Avisynth 2.55, Avisynth Plugins, Premiere Import Plugin, DVD Decrypter, DGMPEGDec, BeSweet and Lame, HuffYUV and Lagarith, XviD 1.0.3, FFDShow, VirtualDubMod, and Helix YUV Codecs. Note to WMM users: Do not install FFDShow as included here. The codecs aren't cooperative with WMM, and the program won't run correctly.

Editing Software

--VirtualDubMod: An extremely powerful video compression and conversion tool. Mandatory for any vidder who needs to tweak their source in any way. (included in the AMVapp package)

--Free Trial of CyberLink PowerDirector 5 Premium

--Free Trial of Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0

--Free Trial of Ulead VideoStudio 10 Plus

--Free Trial of Pinnacle Studio 10.1


--PICVideo MJPEG Motion Codec, rec'd by astolat: Free trial has a watermark, or it's under $30 to get rid of it. This is necessary for astolat's high-res method, which absolut3destiny also recommends it in his guide.

--Panasonic DV codec, rec'd by astolat: Used in the above VirtualDub guide.

--MP3 codec, rec'd by astolat: Used in the above VirtualDub guide.

--DivX codec, rec'd by astolat: Used in the above VirtualDub guide.

Vid Meta

Before You Start

-- Vid Talk: the Appeal of Vids by shati: a concise but hilarious explanation of just why we love these things called vids.

-- So You Want to Be a Vidder: Five Not So Easy Steps by sisabet: Every vidder should start here. Know what you're getting into. Own it. Vidding is not entitlement.

-- Vidding 101 by laurashapiro: There are many different paths you can take when you start vidding. This will help you figure out which one you will be taking.

-- Vidding for Newbies / Big List of Vid Meta by permetaform: Lots of good stuff here. The "troubleshooting" section is a huge, organized digest of vid meta (including several posts listed here). Definitely worth exploring.

-- Stealing From Fellow Fans: Don't Do It by thebratqueen: Breaks down the major points of why clip theft is wrong.

-- Why the Average Pop Song Makes a Boring Vid by laurashapiro: A lovely discussion on just what to listen for in a song when tossing around vid ideas in your head.

Digging Deeper

-- How To Make a Gut-Wrenching Video In Five Easy Steps or Less by sisabet: An in-depth analysis of what makes one of sockkpuppett's vids so highly effective.

-- Deciding Between Contexual and Context-Free Clips by pipsqueaky: An in-depth discussion of when people go with the literal or the metaphorical and why they cater to one audience or another.

-- Vidding as Storytelling...or Not by heresluck: A thoughtful discussion of what goes into clip choice in terms of overall storytelling with a vid.

-- Narrative in a Vidding Context: by heresluck: What is a narrative and how can a vid become a narrative?

-- Vidding Style by sdwolfpup: A discussion about trying to identify one's own vidding style, including the difficulties and downfalls of doing so.

Connections Between Us

-- Connecting With Audiences by laurashapiro: Notes/points from a panel on what it means to connect with a vid audience and what things to keep in mind when vidding for a particular audience.

-- The Vid Polls: The Big Honking Summary, Discussion, and Endless Blithering About Weasels by thefourthvine: An amazing (and hilarious) ramble about the interactions between vidder and viewer, the inherent intimidation therein, why some vidders use passwords, and weasels.

-- Recommending Vids: The How, the What, the Why, and the Threats of Whining by thefourthvine: An excellent discussion of rec'ing vids with a pleasant Joss-like tone. Bonus points for use of phrases such as "Give me vid or I kill with FIRE" and "Camera goes swirly! Watcher goes YAY!"

-- Vidding: My Fandom by sisabet: A wonderful post about vidding as a fandom and how captivating and enriching it can be for those entrenched in it.

Feedback and Beta

-- Vid Feedback 101 by sdwolfpup: A friendly how-to guide for leaving helpful, thoughtful feedback to vidders for their work.

--The Practical Side of Feedback by gwyn_r: A pragmatic discussion of how receiving feedback fuels the fire for creation.

--If You Can't Say Anything Nice...Come Sit Over Here By Me by ljconstantine: A discussion of why constructive criticism isn't a bad thing, and tip on how to better receive it. This post is written about fanfic, but vidding certainly falls under the same guidelines.

-- Improvement, Criticism, and the Value of Praise by heresluck: Why praise is just as important as criticism when giving vidders feedback.

-- On Being a Beta: a Personal View by absolut3destiny: Very, very helpful advice about how to give proper feedback as a beta (and what to look for / think about if you ask someone to beta for you).

Last updated: 2/8/07


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